What headphones do you use / recommand?

  • Well, I know what many people think about headphones... no room reflection, no natural hearing... And they do not sound like a real amp...but: I like playing through my headphones (AKG K271MK II) when my wife is sleeping, or when I have to open the windows in summer and don't want my neighbours to go crazy.
    Something else... the main utililty with stuffs like KPA or axe fx is that you can hear the RECORDED sound of an amp, exactly like when you listen to a CD... I don't care about how does James Hetfield's guitar sound in studio, but I REALLY love the sound he has on Master of Pupetts, or And Justice For all... and it's exactly where I want to go: When I listen to Metallica with my Ipod, it's through headphones, and what I want to do, is to get the same sound whith my Kemper, my guitar (EMG's of course), and my headphones. Exactly the same with my FRFR system and my HI FI .
    So, For those how think the same about me, which headphones do you use? the AKG is very comfortable to use and is pretty neutral, but lacks a bit in the low ends... So I look for other opinions, and why not to find better headphones.
    BTW, some famous musicians / artists like Quincy Jones have used headphones for years, and nobody can tell their mixing are bad...

  • I have the Q701's, which I think are awesome. The open back phones don't tend to be as bass heavy sounding because of their design, but I like to mix through them. With that said I also have another pair of Shure phones that are closed which I find a bit more bass heavy and good to jam through and track on.

  • I use Audio-Technica ATH-M50.

    I researched over at http://www.head-fi.org/ and for my price range they seemed to be the most recommended. I've had them for a couple of months and have no complaints.

    I play at night most of the time, so to not disturb the family I must wear headphones so they get plenty of usage.

  • To listen music in general, I found for me nothing better than the Grado headphones, but they are "opened", so your wife (as mine) still would not like them and will wake up in the meedle of the night :sleeping:;(

    But just for the sack of curiosity take a look:


    I can assure you that, even from the starting price of 120 Euro (the model SR 60I) they sound absolutely unique.
    Everyone must listen to them at least one time... ;)

  • I've sifted though these kinds of threads many times and they're always the same. Everyone recommends something they bought and most people have a different favorite. Maybe it's because at a certain level headphone quality flattens out a bit and and most stuff in a price range sounds fairly similar? Not sure but I ended up picking up a pair of AKG K720s for three reasons. First, I already had a pair of AKG K240s that I'd had for years and liked. I remember they were part of a headphone listening display at a music shop and I liked them quite a bit more than anything else in my price range. AKG seems to still be respected. My only complaint about them was they're kind of boxy sounding and the closed nature of their design tends to make my ears hot at a time when I'm most likely to wear headphones: in the summer when windows are open.

    The second reason was the 720s seem to come up a fair amount in these types of threads from people who seem to have a fair amount of scrutiny.

    The third... well I found a pair being sold used for a decent price. $200. I figure I couldn't go wrong. I like them a lot. Nice soundstage. Warm highs and nice tight bass. Fairly flat sounding but pleasant to listen to. Pretty comfortable too.

  • some good headphones for high gain tones which i purchased only recentlly ,would be beyerdynamic DT150,really beefy and rich bottom end...maybe too rich for my tastes(i'm the bluesy/vintage type),nice silky highs but the mids could be better.That's why i recommend them to metal guys but not to everybody.Other than that really well built ,and capable of taking very high SPL which sometimes kemper outputs.

  • I use Audio-Technica ATH-M50.

    I researched over at http://www.head-fi.org/ and for my price range they seemed to be the most recommended. I've had them for a couple of months and have no complaints.

    I play at night most of the time, so to not disturb the family I must wear headphones so they get plenty of usage.

    I use a set of these too, they are an amazingly clear set of studio headphones considering the price.

  • Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro for several years now and very happy with them.

    guitarnet70, I been wondering about the 880. Did you knew the 770? If so how do they compare?

    Never had the 770, but I've compared them to the 990 and I prefere my one: semi-closed design give more body to the guitar sound IMO.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I use the AKG Q701 in conjunction with a headphone amp being fed by the KPA main outs.

    The headphones are ok without the headphone amp but these cans need a bit more power to shine then the KPA headphone out can supply.

    Unless you have a need for closed backed headphones because of noise bleed I would steer clear of them personaly as the open backs give a much more pleasant and natraul experience IMO.

    If I didn't want to bother with a headphone amp of some sort I would go with these, but they are pricey (and ugly) -


    I also tried a less expensive semi open backs from AKG that sounded pretty good i think it was the K271 ?

    Remember comfort is a big factor as well.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.