RM on Laptop

  • I run RM on a windows 11 laptop. It has a native resolution of 1920x1080. The default screen scale is 150%. RM has been working well in past versions, but I just downloaded the new RM (3.3.45) and looks nice and sharp, but the bottom of the editor display is cut off. No red buttons on the lower right, and the numbers below the second row of knobs (like on an amp) are cut off. It also doesn't work well on 125%, but if I set the scaling to 100% it works fine. Everything is super small though, and my desktop icons are about 1cm square. I would hate to keep it that way just to run RM. Can anyone confirm? Thanks.

  • Good question, my taskbar hides automatically, so it's not in view. I was hesitant to post a screen shot, because the look is a little different based on how I configure the screen, but here is what I usually see. In this shot you can't see any of Mats rigs either (although they do show when you click the little triangle above and to the left of Mats name).

  • Hmmm...

    That's entertaining. I set my taskbar to hide and loaded RM. Got a popup to upgrade so I did.

    Ran it again and here's the screenshot...

    I'm running a Surface Pro 9 at 2880 x 1920 scaling at 200%

    What happens if you choose to make the screen smaller, then drag it to almost full screen?

  • It's the same in windowed mode. Except a little more of the bottom is cut off. Are you running windows 11? I may try to uninstall it and reinstall it. When it asked me to upgrade, I said yes, and it went through it's paces, and then the installer just disappeared, and my desktop shortcut produced an error when I tried to start rig manager. Usually an installer will say it's finished, so I figured it failed. I manually removed my desktop shortcut, and I proceeded to reinstall, and when I clicked the .msi file it gave me three choices, I picked the repair option, and this time it actually got to the end and said it was finished, so it looked like it installed correctly that time. I'm heading out of town, so I'll be away from my music stuff for a while, but I'll check in here to see if anyone else has the same problem. If not, I'll file a ticket when I return. Thanks for trying to verify it.

  • It's the same in windowed mode. Except a little more of the bottom is cut off. Are you running windows 11? I may try to uninstall it and reinstall it. When it asked me to upgrade, I said yes, and it went through it's paces, and then the installer just disappeared, and my desktop shortcut produced an error when I tried to start rig manager. Usually an installer will say it's finished, so I figured it failed. I manually removed my desktop shortcut, and I proceeded to reinstall, and when I clicked the .msi file it gave me three choices, I picked the repair option, and this time it actually got to the end and said it was finished, so it looked like it installed correctly that time. I'm heading out of town, so I'll be away from my music stuff for a while, but I'll check in here to see if anyone else has the same problem. If not, I'll file a ticket when I return. Thanks for trying to verify it.

    Yes, I'm on Win 11 and have been for about a year.

    Opening a ticket might e the thing to do.