Solos too loud when using In Ear monitoring

  • Hi!

    I´ve been using my Kemper with in ears from time to time.

    Its great but when its time to really shine and you kick in the boost to let everybody hear your fantastic solo its too darn loud in the in ear monitors. 85% of the gigs we dont hava a sound guy who can turn it up. I have to boost it. What do u think about having a analog clean boost on the one of the outputs going to FOH and routing another output from kemper to the in ear?

    I realize i´ve answered my own question but like to have your in put as well!:)

  • I struggled with that also so i started walking out front during soundcheck now that i use a wireless , id have some one kick my boost on and off so i could hear the foh difference . It was to loud in my ears cause i was to loud lol so i dialed it back and it sounds great

  • If you have no soundman and your IEM mix does not approximately match FOH then you must have more trouble than just solo boosting. How could you possibly know how much FOH boost is needed? I don't get it.

    I just get FOH using a wireless unit during soundcheck. Im not that stupid;) No more trouble than the solo boosting!:). There are keyboards, some backtracks, another guitarplayer , 4 vocals as well. Dneufeld5150 you´re right about the mids, but a couple of DB´s would be nice.

  • I certainly do not agree that if it gets too loud in the inears the boost is also too loud in the FOH. That is a gig by gig decision and tends to be true the fewer instruments there are in the line up. But in a lineup with two guitarists and a keyboard player you often needs more boost in the foh than in the ears. And my own personal preference is to have only a very light boost in the inears.

    So am totally with the OP here.

    I simply had a hack made for this. I run from the headphone jack to a rack mixer so i am in charge of my own inear levels. AND then i have a costum box that attenuates the headphone level each time i use a lead sound. It’s a programmable midi device that regulates the kempers headphone out level on the sounds i have marked as lead.

    The device to the left (above the kemper) is a global lead boost. It regulates ALL lead sounds at one turn. I need this because i play with SO many different lineups that there is no way i can know in advance what boost is needed. The device next to it is the headphone level regulator midi thingy.