Howto: Macbook + Kemper(on real cab) + Headrush FRFR for backtrack

  • Hi,

    Not sure whether this is the right place to post this, but I need some advise.

    Here is what I've got:
    - Guitars, Kemper (with real 4x12 cab)
    - Macbook with Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 3rd Gen
    - 2x Headrush FRFT 112

    What I want to do is to perform to a small audience using the Macbook to play a backtrack on the headrushes while I jam along using the Kemper on the CAB.
    The 'problem' is I stand behind the headrushes to avoid feedback but then I can't hear the backtrack so I plan to use my Apple Airpod Pro in ear to hear the backtrack myself but then I need the Macbook to play the backtrack both on the Focusrite and the Apple Airpods simulaneaously and it's only possible to select one output on the Macbook.
    Also, of course the backtrack coming from the headrush and the airpods pro need to be in sync (no latency). I know alternatively I can use a headphone with cord on one of the headphone jacks in the focusrite but I rather don't use a headphone, I prefer the fireless airpod pro.

    Any suggestions how to proceed with this?

    Thanks in advance for your advice.

  • If you want to keep the 4x12 cab I would do one of these,

    1 - get a dedicated wireless IEM setup and sun it from outputs 3 and 4 of the 8i6.

    2 - get an3rd powered monitor and tun it from output 3 or 4 of the 8i6.

    unfortunately I don’t see a solution that uses the airpods and the workable solutions require sending money on more gear.

    What I would actually do though is ditch the cab and play everything through the FRFR speakers.

  • The Behringer FLOW 8 might be the answer. It is a multi channel mixer, but also connects to your MacBook and can be an audio interface. You can also stream bluetooth audio to it/through it.

    At home, I have the FLOW 8 and run into it my Kemper (straight from main outs, no additional audio interface), Captor X, vocal mic, and the USB audio from the MacBook (as well as use it for recording as an interface). Then I run the main outs of the FLOW 8 to my studio monitors.

    So you could run your Kemper main outs straight into it, USB connect and add the audio from your MacBook and the mixer combines it and then send it to the FLOW 8 main outs to your Headrush monitors.

    I would be careful using Airpods in this situation due to delay over Bluetooth. The mixer likely has enough juice you could just run in-ears to it without a pack using the headphone out with an extension cable eliminating any latency over bluetooth/streaming.

    Something to check out and hope this helps!