3.3.38 Beta - Sudden error message (Win 10) - installer has unsufficient privileges ...

  • Hi,

    I am working with a user who has admin rights on my PC. I never had problems with previous versions.

    I downloaded the 3.3.38 Beta and installed it as usual. Last some minutes to read all data but worked at the end. Happily I played a while and then the Rig Manger was sudden closed. I tried to restart but I get always the Message, that the Installer (even if it was installed) has insufficient privileges to the directory
    C:\Program Files\Kemper Amps. I tried to find this Folder but he does not exist.

    If I restart the Computer it will work one time (for some minutes) and bang ... it's gone ...

    Can anyone tell me what to do in this case?`

  • When you log into Windows on startup, are you logging in as a Guest or as the Admin (Computer Owner)? The Admin may have to allow you "rights" to the "C:\Program Files" path.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Today I can't start the RigManager without error.

    So I tried to install 3.2.72 (64). The installation starts. I accepted the License Agreement. The system asked me: Would you like to install or make a change on your system ... I klicked YES. And again this error message with C:\program Files\Kemper Amps because insufficient privileges.

    But there is no folder [Kemper Amps] on program files. So I added a new folder with the name [Kemper Amps] but now I got the message that this action can't be done because the folder or a file in this folder is already open.

  • Hallo Kellerblues,

    in my case the hidden files are shown all the time. I created a lot of different folders in the RigManager. What will happen if I deinstall the Rigmanager completely. Will they be lost or are these Information stored in a different place.

    Schönen Abend

  • Strange behaviour ...

    Today I tried this after starting my PC:

    Right Click on Rig_Manager_3_3_38.msi and clicked on REPAIR. This worked and after a short time the manager started. I made a backup and played for a while. After 10 Minutes the program closed automatically. After that I repeated the repair procedure and this ended in the well known message: insufficient privileges to access. Strange! But now I have a back up from the latest Rig Manager Content.

    Next step is to deinstall the Rig Manager and after a reboot I will try to install it again. I keep you informed.

  • Sad News today ... the same problem as before. I played a while and then the sudden death of the RigManager. The same story ... It seems that the software is not availlable anymore. I can see it under software but it is not possible to start (also not as an Adminstrator explizit]. I tried to repair and got the same error message (insufficient privileges).

    Next step was the deinstallation. Tried to reinstall (without a reboot of the PC). Result = Error Message. This is a little frustrating because I don't have any idea about the reason. But because no one else seems to have the same trouble - this could be a problem of my PC or System. There was an Microsoft Update yesterday ...

  • Don't feel bad. I have the fatal Windows 10 mouse double-clicking bullshit going on. Microsoft says our mice are bad. Then you plug in another mouse and have to click it 3 times quickly to get a single-click. As soon as you make a comment about this problem to MS, then they lock the thread. Several employees at my wife's company have the fatal mouse clicking syndrome.

    Other techs say do a complete removal of the Windows 10 upgrade and do a new full install. That's not an option for a lot of us. Good luck getting yours resolved.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.