Profile an Amp With Fuzz in the Chain

  • Hey everyone,

    Anyone have experience capturing an amp that has a fuzz running into it? I’ve bought amp profiles that were captured with a klon or boost pedal. Was thinking this should be doable - just send the kemper to the fuzz then the amp and then return to the kemper.


  • It is possible to profile an amp with fuzz pedal but the results are not great. This is my only gripe with Kemper. The fuzz sound is created by square wave clipping. And Kemper is unable to profile it the right way and the resulting profiles are sounding more like a distortion then fuzz. I have tried really hard to make it work, even used "a debuffer" pedal to increase the impedance going from kemper to the different fuzz pedals but the results were the same. I had some minor success with profilling a bigmuff pedal because it is more a hybrid between distortion and fuzz then a pure fuzz sound. This is one of a few limitation of the profiling process that I found.

    But all is not lost and you can get a really nice fuzz sounds out of Kemper by using the Kemper fuzz effect in the Stomps section. So this is the way for me to enjoy the warm fuzzy heaven with my beloved Kemper :)