Profiler Resetting on Startup (SOLVED)

  • Did you do a System Settings reset on the Kemper after battery install? Maybe you have to do that?? I don't know.

    I was thinking of a factory reset last night but figured I'd wait to hear back from support. I seem to recall another issue I had years ago where I suggested a reset and they advised me it would do nothing to resolve the issue. The unit is usable as is. Just annoying. But the time it takes up in current state is minimal while the time I've so far put in to resolving it is adding up. Just gonna put it on the back burner for now so I don't eat up the whole weekend sweating over it

  • Figured I'd upload this despite the fact it didn't get me the results I was looking for as it still may be of use to others

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  • I image that the rackmount battery is easier to get to since that board must be laying flat down in that unit. You didn't happen to put back the bad battery? ;)

    Keep us updated on how it gets resolved.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Latest response from support...

    "do you shut down the Profiler by turning the Chickenhead switch to the Off position? Just cutting power by an external switch can cause the described behaviour.

    The User name, date and time are stored a short while after entering, so just leaving the Profiler on for a few minutes should suffice.

    The data is stored in flash memory, so a hardware issue should also lead to other effects like data loss."

    My reply...

    Hi and thanks for the reply!

    do you shut down the Profiler by turning the Chickenhead switch to the Off position? Just cutting power by an external switch can cause the described behaviour.

    I’ve never used any other means of turning it on aside from the chicken head switch.

    The User name, date and time are stored a short while after entering, so just leaving the Profiler on for a few minutes should suffice.

    Not sure I understand this. I have left it on and played it after entering info several times now but it always resets next time I power up

    The data is stored in flash memory, so a hardware issue should also lead to other effects like data loss

    The primary effect I’m aware of is just as described. Unit is behaving as if no user settings or preferences have been set in the past. Input and output settings, power amp ON, global EQ settings (I think), date time and owner name all reset. If Rig Manager is on when unit is turned on, it will prompt me to change name automatically as it recognizes that user names do not match. Stored Rigs remain available as that data s not being lost but it seems most other data is lost each time unit is turned off.

    Would a factory reset help or does the unit require servicing?

    Thank you

  • And then this morning, the expected next suggestion arrives (but I have some questions about this that will follow here if anyone can give me the short n simple info sought)...


    I recommend to try a reset and restore:

    I recommend performing a reset and restore:

    To reset the PROFILER to the as delivered state, please perform the following steps:

    1. First, create a backup as this process will delete all user data and reset all settings.

    2. Upgrade to the current PROFILER operating system release software. The steps are described in the manual.

    3. Press the SYSTEM button

    4. Press Factory Reset for 3 seconds

    5. Press YES

    6. Press and hold both CONFIRM buttons for 3 seconds. The Profiler will reset to the factory state.

    7. Restore the backup via a USB memory stick. The process is explained in the manual. The PROFILER will restart automatically.

    8. Shut down. Press and hold the two buttons, RIG and SYSTEM, while powering on. Keep holding until a message appears "Initializing…".

    The PROFILER will now start as a brand-new device under current software and will ask for your confirmation of date, time and Owner Name entry.


    Having rarely if ever had to restore my Kemper or Rig Manager from a backup until this recent bout of odd behaviour, I'm a bit unsure of exactly how it all works, what info is retained or stored where and what to expect once a restore is performed.

    My one concern that I hope does not happen is that the reset goes well and the issue that brought me here does not repeat but I worry that then restoring it to a backup created pre-reset will essentially restore the current state including the current problem. Hopefully that's a pointless concern but we shall see.

    I know I have a few backups from years past, before this problem began, that I could use if the above does happen so there's always hope I could use one of those as opposed to the most recent one I create this morning.

    But here's what I'm a little more confused about...

    If a Reset of the unit returns it to the brand new device state, I'm assuming all the current rigs and performances will vanish. from the unit itself But if I apply a backup of Rig Manager in its current state, with all rigs, folders and performances saved and organized as I like, will Rig Manager direct the Kemper to reload and restore all those rigs, folders and performances automatically or will it see that they're no longer on the Kemper and then respond differently, forcing me to then go in search of all these rigs and rebuild all my performances and folders etc from scratch?

    Because if its the latter, I think I should take some extra steps to record my current setup so that it makes the rebuilding of folders and performances a bit easier.


  • My one concern that I hope does not happen is that the reset goes well and the issue that brought me here does not repeat but I worry that then restoring it to a backup created pre-reset will essentially restore the current state including the current problem. Hopefully that's a pointless concern but we shall see.

    Backup doesn't contain any data that could couse the problem. It is very unlikely!

    I know I have a few backups from years past, before this problem began, that I could use if the above does happen so there's always hope I could use one of those as opposed to the most recent one I create this morning.

    Use your last backup, see my comment above.

    If a Reset of the unit returns it to the brand new device state, I'm assuming all the current rigs and performances will vanish. from the unit itself But if I apply a backup of Rig Manager in its current state, with all rigs, folders and performances saved and organized as I like, will Rig Manager direct the Kemper to reload and restore all those rigs, folders and performances automatically or will it see that they're no longer on the Kemper and then respond differently, forcing me to then go in search of all these rigs and rebuild all my performances and folders etc from scratch?

    Make your backup directly from the Kemper to the USB, not via Rig Manager. See Main Manual 8.5 if you don't know how to do it but it is very simple. Also at the end restore your backup from the USB stick.

    Hope this helps!

  • This goofy thing has turned into a real headscratcher!

    Fired it up to begin the process of backing up to USB stick and no error message O,O

    Power Amp had returned to ON despite my having toggled it OFF last time I was using it

    Turned power amp OFF and restarted it and, again, no error message AND power amp was now back to OFF

    So, it SEEMS like it's found it's way back to functioning as intended on all fronts but I'm tempted to do a full Reset just to be sure. I'll resist that temptation for now and see how it fares over the weekend as I'm jamming on Saturday. In the meantime, another up to date backup of RM and a full backup of the Kemper to USB stick and put that aside just in case.

    Hopefully this is my last update haha

    If it does turn out that all is well and back to normal, thanks again so much to all who contributed to the thread and I hope the issue wasn't drawn out at all unnecessarily by user failure lol.

    Happy noodling all