Direct profile + custom ir

  • Hi

    Possibly a silly newbie question. But if I combine a direct profile and a loaded custom ir in the cab section, would that be the complete package comparable with a studio profile? Or will I miss some of the poweramp/speaker interaction mojo?


  • I was thinking that a direct profile taken from the speaker out through a loadbox, would have the whole flavour except the speaker. Would it then be possible to add an ir in the cab slot as an approximation to trying out that specific amp profile with different speakers?

    I’m aware that you can change cab types in a regular studio profile too. But then there must be some kind of algorithms that decide where the amp part ends and the cab part begin as the profile really was made as a whole package.

    Forgive me if the questions don’t make too much sense. I’m new to the profiling consept, all though not new to amps, cabs, guitars or amp modelling.