Guitar synths are interesting because of the pitch nuance and voicings you can add, however it never feels natural to me to play.
Neural guitar synth
I can't see a single reason why I would ever want to use a guitar synth when both on stage and in the studio I can grab any usb keyboard and trigger a VSTi or even internal sounds.
I do use a Boss SY200 to layer my guitar sounds in my band, there's a few moments in the set when the synth is louder than the guitar but it's still all pads/fuzz-octave stuff to accentuate my guitar parts.
Of course, your mileage may vary but outside of virtuoso playing, this tech is unlikely to have a significant impact on music.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard a lot of keyboard players doing synth leads with a guitar sound, that sound pretty convincingly. The Dream Theater guy for instance just to name a famous musician. But also strings, sax etc. etc. sounds so more realistic with a keyboard using the wheel.
In regards to the music today being dominated by synths. Yes, very true. But why should someone doing beats or electronic music in general select the guitar as a trigger, when a keyboard is far superior? As for now nothing has really changed. The choice has always been there. I tried to with the Axon, but it’s just translating so bad with trigger faults, dynamic playing etc making it weird and not very intuitive. I dumped this idea pretty fast as it easier to turn on the midi controller and experience no BS. I really see no place for this in a professional working environment in regards to beat making. For that the midi controller will be very tough to beat. Guys n gals doing that shit also tend to go the keyboard way anyway. It really makes no sense to me. I can only see it being what it has always been. A niche thing.
Stuff really has to change immensely for it to be more than a niche thing imho. Today it still isn’t near good enough. It might be someday. I’m surprised that nothing has changed with the speed of today’s technology. And then again. Why select an inferior trigger over a superior trigger? The guitar might become okay, but I highly doubt that it will become anything but an inferior trigger compared to a midi controller.
Let’s meet up in 20 years and have a beer and discuss, who was right. The loser will pay ( you of course 🤣 ).
First of all ..the beers are always on me. Old family tradition.😉
The "reason" why anyone would "need" a guitar as a trigger instrument is IMO very simple.
Everyone has one. Everyone can play a few chords on guitar. I can imagine so many situation in the studio or ofcourse on stage where it would be a huge advantage to do keys stuff with your guitar rig. A band with two guitar players using these possibilities.. easy answer,think about it..
I can't see a single reason why I would ever want to use a guitar synth when both on stage and in the studio I can grab any usb keyboard and trigger a VSTi or even internal sounds.
I do use a Boss SY200 to layer my guitar sounds in my band, there's a few moments in the set when the synth is louder than the guitar but it's still all pads/fuzz-octave stuff to accentuate my guitar parts.
Of course, your mileage may vary but outside of virtuoso playing, this tech is unlikely to have a significant impact on music.
What about live?
Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should, even in the hands of one of the greatest guitar technicians in history. I prefer him on guitar (and when he's not cramming 32 notes into every bar).
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What about live?
Sounds like 2 keyboard players:
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Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should, even in the hands of one of the greatest guitar technicians in history. I prefer him on guitar (and when he's not cramming 32 notes into every bar).
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Some things.. we just can't stop..
I was a teenager in the 80's, so I went through the first wave of keyboard music and love it. 🙂
I was a teenager in the 80's, so I went through the first wave of keyboard music and love it. 🙂
It was the time of "more is more". Decadent innocence..MTV.. And ofcourse there was no fear of kitsch and hyperbole cheesiness.
But then came Kurt Cobain and killed it all..including the bombast keyboard sounds,shred guitar and himself..