A form of memory state that will remember 2 or more effect block scenes in a performance

  • I would like there to be for the effect blocks on a scene in each performance to have an alternate saved space for one or more additional states for that block. I think two or three would be great.

    I have changed an effect block and saved it only to some time later think that I preferred what I had saved in that block in the past. The problem being I did not remember the settings or effect to get it back.

    There was one time I added a multi-effect in the effects loop & instead of editing all of the patches, I added a global effects loop. Some time later, I decided not to use that multi-effect & had to edit all of my performances to replace what I had there previously.

    If I could have been able to save alternate settings in that block in memory, all I would of had to do is select that alternate setting for that block and resave it.

    Thanks for your consideration,

    best regards


    Edited 3 times, last by rcknrllmn (July 28, 2022 at 3:09 PM).