Output stops while using Looper for extended durations

  • Just curious if this is a common occurrence with others out there in Kemperland, as it's happened to me a few times now and it's starting to worry me. While looping a few layered parts for me to improv over, after awhile (15+ minutes?) the output from the Kemper just stops! No guitar/loop signal comes through at all, I can't change performance presets and I can't erase the loop either. I'm not sure, but it's as if the available memory gets completely used up (like old PCs used to do when trying to run too many programs simultaneously), and so I have to shut the whole thing down, pause for a sec, and then restart it to get it to work again.

    I don't mind it when I'm just dinking around at home, but I'd be pretty PO'd if it were to happen to me at a gig (which is why I'm practicing my looping). My toaster has the latest OS version, but this same thing also happened with previous versions as well.

    Do I need to clear out my unused rigs, delete unused performances, etc., or am I looking at a possibly bigger problem?

    Thanks for any and all help! 🤙🏼