Kemper keeps shutting off after a few minutes of powering up.

  • My Kemper has performed flawlessly since I got it new back in 2012. But a year ago it started to power off after 3-4 minutes of switching on. Everything works perfectly for these few minutes... screen comes on; patches loads; I play a few notes, and then it just powers itself off. I contacted Kemper to no avail. Lately it seems to be shutting off even sooner. Can anyone shed some light or have had a similar experience?

  • You raised this issue end of 2019 in a support ticket. In this effort you have been adviced to send your unit for a hardware check and repair. The repair agreement has been sent to you on January 7th 2020.

  • Thanks for your prompt reply. I have re-contacted you via ticket system to proceed with repairs. I seem to have overlooked the original e-mail you sent during this past hellish couple of years.

  • I have one that is equally old which also has started acting up, but a little different. Mine doesn't shut down, it is just the front-panel that goes inactive every now and then. There is LCD-backlight, but nothing else is working. The LCD is blank. I can't even shut it off with the chickenhead knob. It can be controlled with the remote and is producing sound, but I have to pull the plug to turn the KPA-head off.

    However, I've found that the problem disappear for a couple months if I upgrade the firmware or reload the release that I am on. Could it be failing NVRAM causing corruption of code that is happening on older units? I'm just speculating, but that could cause all sorts of random problems. Have you tried to upgrade or reload firmware?

  • Actually, I had upgraded the final firmware at the time (no beta) and was behaving excellently. It just started playing up after a few months of inactivity after a recording session. I fired it up ok but after a few minutes it went onto a power-down sequence, as if going into a quick "safe mode" before going dead. Some people have suggested a dry solder somewhere in the circuitry that loosens as it gets warm. Indeed, after several minutes I would start up again with no issues, only to shut itself off again after warming up. I'm in the process of getting the floor version of the Kemper and hopefully get the current one fixed for home use as well as a backup at gigs.