• I suppose by now you have seen the various youtube clips about the three new amps pedal from UA (one Blackface, one Vox, one Tweed). In the demos, i really think they sound ace. I wonder if all of those sounds can really be reproduced so well with our Kempers.

  • I really have no clue what UA is thinking by making a unit that can have thousands of presets but you can recall only two without using a smartphone. No midi, no possibility to connect a footswitch with more buttons :wacko:

    So yeah, profiling it is the way to go

  • sometimes less is more, that's what theses Pedals are for

    there are people out there who want gear with the newest technology but as simple as there old Tube amp

    that's why these pedals will be successful and why Fender Tonemaster Amp are successful

  • But you start with this pedal and finish with a huge pedalboard because you add a compressor, od, disto, chorus, delay, reverb, it loader... Then, you need a switcher, you have buzz and hum, you change the power supply, all the cables. At and the end you concluded that kemper is the simplest solution. :)

  • But you start with this pedal and finish with a huge pedalboard because you add a compressor, od, disto, chorus, delay, reverb, it loader... Then, you need a switcher, you have buzz and hum, you change the power supply, all the cables. At and the end you concluded that kemper is the simplest solution. :)

    Yes we all have been there... all in one solutions then back to pedals... back and forth and back and forth. What a curse to be a guitarist ^^.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • But you start with this pedal and finish with a huge pedalboard because you add a compressor, od, disto, chorus, delay, reverb, it loader... Then, you need a switcher, you have buzz and hum, you change the power supply, all the cables. At and the end you concluded that kemper is the simplest solution. :)

    i know many guitarist who just use amp and guitar, no pedals , so for them, in aspect of transport its a huge win

    no amp, only guitar and 1 pedal


  • I ended up buying the Dream 65, it sounded so good in the demos online.
    However i am not convinced.
    Clean tones are good, but not really better that what the Kemper can do. The different cabs are nice.

    ODs feels artificial and not really inspiring to me. When you are increasing the gain, you are clearly hearing that you switch suddenly from clean mode to OD mode. It sounds boxy in my headphones.
    It doesn't take pedals that well (not a strong point of Kemper either). Various one i tried (bluesbreaker clone, tube screamer, dumble style OD...) sounded MEH.

    I had high hopes about the spring reverb, but i think the one in the kemper has a wider range of use.
    Tremolo is OKish.
    Ergonomics are really bad, only one recallable preset, no way to see what are the values of said preset. There is no editor. No midi. No TRS output (but two TS instead). No XLR. Rotating dials don't feel like a pedal dial but like a remote : you have to move them a lot for them to register that you want the actual setting to change. Alternate mode for the Tremolo makes you wonder what is happening when you forgot in which mode you are.
    This is a stereo pedal, but i couldn't tell the difference listening to it in mono.
    Connected to my soundcard, the volume seems too low.
    I don't really understand for whom this is intended. I wanted to create a compact pedalboard with a few ods and effects to replace my Toaster on the go, but for me there is only the clean sound that sound good, and as much as i like fender cleans, this seems a bit short to constitute a "rig".