Are the Kemper folks working on an "Editor"?

  • This is such fantastic news!

    I wonder how will the Kemper interface to the computer? Could it use the USB port?

    I know this probably wont happen and I dont know if its possible but I would love to see a similar function to Fractals Axe Edit where you can hook the Kemper up to your computer via USB and scroll through your profiles and click on one and load it into your Kemper and play! This would be great for those recording into their computer and want to cycle through various profiles. I really hope that function is available but if not I look forward to whatever Kemper has planned. I also would like to see a better method for organizing your profiles in various categories of your choosing. Say you have profiles for certain bands or songs, simply make folders and your Kemper will recognize them. That would be alot better than having everything jumbled together. I cant wait!

  • Every once in a while I like to chime in to show my support for a software/computer editor for the KPA. Anyone who says they don't see the need has possibly never used one. To be able to change the configuration of your rigs/sounds on your computer (or even iPad, though not as important, in my eyes) would put the KPA over the top. To me, it's a no-brainer. Any device having to do with digital/computer recording should have an editor for ease of use. I look at it as the biggest drawback to the KPA. Being able to see all the rigs/amps/pedals on one page on a computer, as opposed to having to scroll through them all on the little KPA display, would be a HUGE improvement!

  • I'm happy to hear there is an Editor in the works. It is the one thing that is keeping me from "tying the knot" with the Kemper Amp.
    I have been using the POD HD500 Edit software with a touchscreen laptop and a DT50 amp and the pod hd500 all integrated and so I admit that I'm spoiled on functionality and visual ease.
    I just finally trashed 90+% of the profiles and got it down to a working 40 and that's where an editor is absolutely mandatory if I want to keep improving my relationship with this box. Even though the screen/menu/button editing system is well thought out, I just hate doing it.
    So..I mean I want a real editor too, not just a librarian....
    So that's my vote for the one think I want. I like the rest of the package(sound, options, speed, form factor, etc)..
    (I'm not usually this grumpy... I blame the election..


  • not that we don't need an editor/librarian, but don't let that stop you from taking the plunge. in terms of editing profiles, the front panel is very well designed. unlike all others i've tried, most things seems easily accessible and intuitive, and the most important functions are directly accessible on the panel. you really do get the sense of tweaking knobs on a real amp. even deep editing seems easily accessible, inviting you to really mangle the original profile, which is becoming one of my favorite things to do with it...

    managing a large number of rigs, naming, tagging etc not so much...
    i even tried plugging in a usb keyboard but no dice.

  • Hello. I bought my Kemper in Australia about 2 weeks ago. I totally love it. It cost me $2300 AUD. The Fractal Axe FX II costs $2700 AUD and it has an editor. The Line 6 Pod HD 500 I just sold had an editor and it cost me $699. Surely Kemper, I think we deserve an editor and a great one to boot . Please : :)

  • We are working on a rig management software.
    But I cannot give you a release date estimation.

    It's been two months since C Kemper announced they were working on Rig Management Software. They were probably working on it long before it was announced. I would think it would be ready soon.

  • Developing a full functioning editor is difficult and time consuming. I assume a rig/library management tool is easier to develop. Line 6 have had many problems through the years with their editors and it took fractal years before they even had an editor. Their current editor has not been working properly at all for months and not keeping up with the many firmware updates.
    For me it's a must to have an editor when using the Axe fx because of how deep and complex it is and the front gui design is not very intuitive. That part is so much easier on the kemper so a rig/library management system is more important here for me.

  • [quote='HappyKemper',index.php?page=Thread&postID=60703#post60703]Developing a full functioning editor is difficult and time consuming. I assume a rig/library management tool is easier to develop. Line 6 have had many problems through the years with their editors and it took fractal years before they even had an editor. Their current editor has not been working properly at all for months and not keeping

    Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like once the Kemper folks come out with an editor or librarian, it could still be long time before they work out the bugs.

  • Even if they do come out with an Editor, I'd still do all my tweaking on the actual unit, it's easier than using a mouse.

    I agree that the KPA is exceptionally intuitive. However, a full-screen editor has the advantage of being able to adjust multiple sonic areas without going in and out. In other words, you could have both EQ and a distortion stomp tweakable without changing screens (if an editor were done right).

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Even if they do come out with an Editor, I'd still do all my tweaking on the actual unit, it's easier than using a mouse.

    Me too. The only device I've used an editor with is a couple Digitech units which required them for deep parameters. I have no desire to tweak with a mouse when I can grab a knob. I also prefer to know my units inside and out in order to make quick changes whenever or wherever I need to.

  • I agree! Me too I prefer to use the knobs against a PC editor because this way I get a better control of everything on the fly when playing live, BUT the rig/library management tool is a very different story, it would be a real MUST!!! :thumbup:
