Question about Rig Manager data; where is the data stored on a mac?

  • I don’t see the problem, sorry.

    I think you are using iCloud Drive, correct?

    You could tell iCloud to not sync the desktop & document folder and then manually add every folder back that you still want to sync.

  • The problem is:
    I need to do a workaround to change the path in a program. Not very progressive.

    I should say iCloud to not sync my folders and then add my 40 folders manually again to the cloud.
    And why? Because it's not possible to change a path in a single program?

    Couldn't have guessed that changing the path to another folder is witchcraft. But apparently: It is!

    ESP Eclipse Black Distressed | Schecter S-1 "Zacky V Blade" | Kemper Stage |

    EVH Frankenstrat | Fender Strat 

  • Well of course the devs could make this a variable and let you choose the path in the settings.
    i just wanted to show you some quick (and dirty) alternatives.

    maybe start a new thread in „feature request“.

  • The problem is:
    I need to do a workaround to change the path in a program. Not very progressive.

    I should say iCloud to not sync my folders and then add my 40 folders manually again to the cloud.
    And why? Because it's not possible to change a path in a single program?

    Couldn't have guessed that changing the path to another folder is witchcraft. But apparently: It is!

    Why is backing the Kemper up to your iCloud a bad thing and why should that feature have made it to the top of the wishlist for the Kemper community?

  • I'm using my Rigmanger in the Dropbox for many reasons.
    So i linked the rigmanager Datafolder:

    ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kemper\ Amps

    on windows you can use the the mklink command:

    MKLINK /J %LocalAppData%\"Kemper Amps"\RigManager D:\Dropbox\_Kemper\RigManagerData

    Be the force with you ;)