Kemper Warranty Issues

  • 2 things:

    1- what have you told them to convince them that you were able to make the repair yourself? A friend ingeneer and expert? (it doesn't seem that was the case...)

    2- Burkhard have told you not to fiddle with the unit and send it back unless you were absolutely sure about what you were doing.

    For what I'm reading here you did it under your responsibility....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • If this mail is the truth, he also wrote:
    note: ONLY SOLDER WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING ! -- otherwise please ship to support and don't fiddle around yourself ;)

    It was your risk. I understand that you've tried to repair it. I think Kemper should repair it without any costs. if it had function, all were lucky and the costs were low. Now the shit happens.

    Soldering wasnt the problem, i wasnt warned about the pink cable inside that was so fragile it broke without much pressure. I got an engineer friend to help me.

    But the point is, shouldnt Kemper offer a replacement in the 1st place???before instructing me to do things only they are familiar with? Kemper never made such offer.

    Towards the end they blamed me for breaking the cable and said they'll send me a replacement cable....i told them 'yes but this still doesnt solve the clock issue'...then finally they said 'its all broken, we can send u replacement front panel at a certain cost...THEN to increase the price a lot in the next couple of days with reasons like 'front panel' is not the same as 'complete front panel'.....i mean since when did i ask for a replacement front panel only due to scratched surface or somn. This whole issue started because of a faulty chip kemper provided. The word games are getting too much.

    Please, i just want what i paid for (it wasnt easy to purchase this financially for me).

  • 2 things:

    1- what have you told them to convince them that you were able to make the repair yourself? A friend ingeneer and expert? (it doesn't seem that was the case...)

    2- Burkhard have told you not to fiddle with the unit and send it back unless you were absolutely sure about what you were doing.

    For what I'm reading here you did it under your responsibility....

    Like i said, Burkhard never once offered a one for one replacement...all he did was give me instructions on how to fix it. As a tech, do u really tell customers u dont know to fix the items??? As a customer, if they werent offering a replacement, wound u try your best to get what u paid for to work?
    Tell me one restaurant that if u ordered an undercooked hamburger, the chef tells u to go to the kitchen and cook it yourself?

  • i had less than a day to set it up for my gig.

    So you buy a completley new technology equipment one day before your gig ...

    However i encountered a problem that resulted in me canceling my gig.

    without a plan B if it doesn't work so quickly?
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • Joshua,

    Sorry for the second price offer you have received from us.
    This second price (the higher one) was obviously an internal misunderstanding.
    We could have solved this confusion quickly if you had written back.
    We have also forgotten to mentioned that you will get a payback for the broken part, if you send it back. I am sorry for that.

    Now that you have made this a big public story, I think it's time to tell the full story how everything started, don't you think?
    My engineers have spent quite a time to solve this individual situation, it could have been much easier for us.
    Do you want me to continue?

  • Hi Mr. Kemper,

    Thank you for replying me. Im grateful and i trust that you and your company hold the highest regard in professionalism. As i mentioned from the 1st post, im not after tarnishing your name or your company's name...i love your product and im actually a seller and Kemper is my main sales promotion target...i use it, i promote it, and i sell it as a distributor.

    My posts here is simply to reach you as i trust you will hv a better judgment than the tech support staff that i encountered.

    I hv listed the chronology of how the item was faulty in my 1st post and i merely followed instructions that ended up with a huge bill. Again, i must point out that neither my dealer nor Kemper tech support offered to replace my faulty unit since the beginning. It has gotten me so frustrated i felt the only way was to reach you through this forum.

    I do not intend on causing more hype about this issue, i would appreciate it and i hope you will give me the fairest solution. Much apologies for the ruckus caused.

    My email is ... look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

  • Joshua,

    Sorry for the second price offer you have received from us.
    This second price (the higher one) was obviously an internal misunderstanding.
    We could have solved this confusion quickly if you had written back.
    We have also forgotten to mentioned that you will get a payback for the broken part, if you send it back. I am sorry for that.

    Now that you have made this a big public story, I think it's time to tell the full story how everything started, don't you think?
    My engineers have spent quite a time to solve this individual situation, it could have been much easier for us.
    Do you want me to continue?

    I did write back but the staff insisted it was all my sorry to the staff i blew up at him as i was really frustrated.

    Begin forwarded message:


    Date: August 2, 2012 7:06:40 PM GMT+07:00

    To: "Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH)" <>

    Subject: Re: AW: AW: AW: Defective KPA


    It is not complete broken.. It started off with a defective clock chip and when I got the reply to either change the battery or resolder the clock chip and during that time, the pink/red cable was broken upon touching it because it is so fragile. We even got a technician to check on it, and he said that the cable connector was just too fragile. This is completely not fair for us. I can only accept for a one for one exchange. I did not try to mod this or make it better and actually I was trying to do you a favor by getting a technician to fix with me and save everyone the trouble.

    How was I supposed to know that the pink/red cable was sooo fragile, I wasn't warned in the email..

    I handled with extra care but the cable still broke.

    Please note, I'm supposed to get a perfect working unit like everyone else.

    Its simply unacceptable that in the end I pay more that 30 percent more than the perfect unit I'm entitled to...

    I'm simply not coming out with more money!!! between you and the dealer figure it out...I'm happy w the product but I very unhappy with the options I'm given and ur 'warranty' and customer service..


    Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

    From: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH) <>

    Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 13:33:36 +0200

    To: <>

    Subject: AW: AW: AW: Defective KPA

    Hi Alex,

    now the unit is complete broken and at this point it is not cheaper to send it to your dealer.

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass

    Sales Administration

    Kemper GmbH

    Königswall 16-18

    45657 Recklinghausen

    Tel.: 02361-9064122

    Fax: 02361-9376829

    Handelsregister: HRB 4471

    Amtsgericht Recklinghausen

    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Recklinghausen

    Geschäftsführer: Christoph Kemper, Thorsten Matuschowski

    Von: []

    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August 2012 13:02

    An: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH)

    Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Defective KPA


    If I send the unit back to the dealer and they send it back to you for repair. Would that be a cheaper option?



    Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

    From: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH) <>

    Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 12:51:30 +0200

    To: <>

    Subject: AW: AW: Defective KPA

    Dear Joshua,

    please note that in general all customer has to return defective units to the dealer where they bought it.

    The reason is, that you will lose your warranty when you try to repair it by yourself and you broke something.

    Normally we make no exception at this point.

    Following your situation, I can offer you a discount of 100 EUR.

    Unfortunately this is all we can offer you.

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass

    Sales Administration

    Kemper GmbH

    Königswall 16-18

    45657 Recklinghausen

    Tel.: 02361-9064122

    Fax: 02361-9376829

    Handelsregister: HRB 4471

    Amtsgericht Recklinghausen

    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Recklinghausen

    Geschäftsführer: Christoph Kemper, Thorsten Matuschowski

    Von: []

    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August 2012 12:25

    An: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH)

    Betreff: Re: AW: Defective KPA


    So what you're saying is, I was sold a defective unit...asked to troubleshoot myself, then when things go wrong I hv to pay another 1/3 of a new price?

    I'm sorry but that is just not right.

    Please reconsider the matter.



    Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

    From: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH) <>

    Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 12:12:31 +0200

    To: 'Alexander Joshua Thanos Bernhard'<>

    Subject: AW: Defective KPA

    Yes, I know.

    But the Frontpanel board you need have everything: Potentiometer, Display, the metal plate (black or white), LED’s, cable and so on.

    We checked it together this morning with our engineer. The price I gave you before was only the panel (without anything)

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass

    Sales Administration

    Kemper GmbH

    Königswall 16-18

    45657 Recklinghausen

    Tel.: 02361-9064122

    Fax: 02361-9376829

    Handelsregister: HRB 4471

    Amtsgericht Recklinghausen

    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Recklinghausen

    Geschäftsführer: Christoph Kemper, Thorsten Matuschowski

    Von: Alexander Joshua Thanos Bernhard []

    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August 2012 11:48

    An: Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH)

    Betreff: Re: Defective KPA

    Hi, i was given a different price with warranty consideration plus i was given a defective clock in the 1st place. Here is the email.

    On Jul 31, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Burkhard Dinnies wrote:

    Hello Alex,

    the price of the front panel is 245,07 EUR and DHL shipping is 46,00 EUR.

    This is a reduced price reflecting the defective clock.

    Best regards,



    Burkhard Dinnies

    Product Management Profiling Amplifier

    Kemper GmbH

    Koenigswall 16-18

    D 45657 Recklinghausen

    Voice: +49 (0) 2159 961984

    Fax: +49 (0) 2159 961985

    Mobile: +49 (0) 1578 8584331


    Handelsregister: HRB 4471 Amtsgericht Recklinghausen Sitz der



    Geschäftsführer: Christoph Kemper, Thorsten Matuschowski

    On Aug 2, 2012, at 4:22 PM, Katja Ambraß (Kemper Digital GmbH) wrote:

    Dear Joshua,

    the price for the complete frontpanel (which colour you need?) is 469,38


    Shipping with DHL is 46,00 EUR (Standard)

    Please note that shipping from Germany to Indonesia needs around 2-3 weeks.

    When you are interested, I'll prepare a Proforma Invoice and after payment

    is visible on our

    account, we will send out this spare part.

    Please advise.

    Best regards,

    Katja Ambrass

  • A shop in Singapore who is a friend of mine so i dont feel comfortable sharing their store or identities.

    So what is your dealer "friend" doing to resolve the situation?? If I bought a defective unit (regardless of manufacturer) within a reasonable amount of time (generally 30 days), I would return it to the dealer where I purchased it and exchange it for a new one. No if's, and's, or but's. Have your friend make it right and he can deal with Kemper regarding the defective unit.

  • Joshua,
    what I consider to be the full story is this:
    We have offered you what is the regular case: Return it to the dealer for repair. Of course if the dealer is unable to repair the unit, we would offer him a replacement unit. But over this long distance a repair is quicker than a replacement, expecially when the error is detected already.

    This is what has been communicated: (Who is Alex, by the way?)

    Replied By : Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Support
    Replied On : 23 Jul 2012 17:40:29
    unfortunately I have to confirm, that your unit needs a repair of the system clock. There is no way,
    to fix this software wise. Please approach your dealer for a repair. Sorry for the bad news!

    Replied By : joshua.thanos
    Kemper Amps Support
    Replied On : 23 Jul 2012 18:20:57
    Is there a way that u can send me the replacement parts and i do it myself ? Cos here in Indonesia
    it is very corrupted and even for repairs they would tax me again even if the bill states nil...ive
    experienced this before with my Suhr guitar.


    Sorry that I had to refresh your memory.
    We have offered you the regular way to get your unit fixed. The best is to bring it back to your retailer, who is responsible for your product.
    As you can read in Guitartones reply, that's the way it works the best.
    It is an exceptional case when we care about a customers by bypassing the retailer the way we did.

    In our history (15 years) there have been several cases where users live so far a way from us in an area with lower infrastructure (dealer-wise) and high duty and taxes.
    In this case we ask if there is a skilled person around and send spare parts for a home repair. It has been successfull in every single case (yet).
    Even though this causes us extra work, we like to support our customers this individual way.

    It's a good day to reconsider our service policy.


    Edited 2 times, last by ckemper (August 4, 2012 at 4:06 AM).

  • In our history (15 years) there have been several cases where users live so far a way from us in an area with lower infrastructure (dealer-wise) and high duty and taxes.
    In this case we ask if there is a skilled person around and send spare parts for a home repair. It has been successfull in every single case (yet).
    Even though this causes us extra work, we like to support our customers this individual way.

    It's a good day to reconsider our service policy.


    This is good customer support.
    Shame on you for falsifying information and trying to win sympathy for what is obviously a private support issue, on a public forum.

    Sadly, this being the internet, people will take this as 'ammo' to nail a well meaning company.
    Which means, like CK rightfully points out;
    That companies are more wary of helping people out and end up becoming run by red tape and rules.

    Everyone loses out.

    Let's lock this thread, and to the OP - you have no one to blame but yourself.

  • Mr. Kemper,

    Alex is me, im Alex Joshua...the emails u quoted were from the early ones before ur staff instructed me to repair, then said it was broken, then said needed a front panel replacement at a cost, then couple days later charged me a higher cost (mind u the cost doubled) and when i asked them to reconsider your staff said its just the way it is and all they can offer is 100 EUR discount (still higher than the original quoted price)...i mean, that price is 2 months fresh graduate pay where im from.
    Anyways, i dont want to drag this further, im simply asking for a solution.

    1. Do i return it to my dealer (and should they offer me a new one on the spot or wait til my unit is fixed then return it to me)?
    2. Can you do a one for one exchange since its under a warranty ?
    3. Or do i pay the 1st price quoted for the front panel ?

    Thank you for your involvement in this issue, i really appreciate it.


  • Im gonna ignore ur post as it isnt even constructive. I can post my email w Kemper from beginning to end but it will do nothing as i hv nothing to prove to u. U clearly dont understand the situation yet i find its useless to try and explain to u. I made it clear that im not tarnishing kemper's reputation, i love Kemper im strictly asking Mr. Kemper to help me with a better solution for my warranty. Good day :)

  • In the last couple of weeks I did lots of ebay deals of old gear of mine (yes, the Kemper is responsible for this, too!!!).

    And it´s getting more and more disappointing, cause people like you do some crazy things to the things they buy -
    it´s used gear and everyone means it should be new, without any scratches, dings and dongs and everything - but I told everyone in the describtion the exact condition...

    I received a email and a negative feedback from a buyer, who bought a old mixing board (only 30 Euros) - after a month!!! - He wants to return it, because there are some adhesive residues.... of a gaffa tape... - it was written in the describtion explicitly!!!
    a negative feedback!

    it´s persons like you... and this story.... what do you think?
    Do you have to give a negative feedback at a public forum?
    You made a wrong decision and all others are responsible, but you are not!
    And the whole world has to know, that you are the poor one - return your Kemper to your dealer and buy an old line6 unit on ebay! It´s the best decision for everyone, for you, for Mr. Kemper (best company ever, all my questions were answered immediately!) and his company, for all here in this forum and for the poor ebayer, who will get a negative feedback from you, because it´s with adhesive residues and that it doesn´t sound like an original amp...

    Just my thoughts today!

  • Ive nooo idea what ure talkin about...i bought a new item from an authorized Kemper dealer and it didnt work, simple as that. Im sure you're right in your opinion on whatever point it is you're trying to make, but i dont see it having anything to do with what im writing this post about to Mr. Kemper. Good day :)

  • If you do a self repair then you should know and openly accept that the warranty is void as soon as you open the enclosure. And I think you did not answer my question >> here >> because it does have something to do with why you did not want to wait for a professional repair. When you damage the unit during your repair intent, you have no right of any replacement. Maybe when you acknowledge that and contact KEMPER in a calm and friendly phone call or email, there might be a chance that you can convince them, to be generous and exchange it for a new one.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited once, last by fretboardminer (August 4, 2012 at 11:50 AM).

  • It seems like there are a lot of people who's using this post as an opportunity to make themselves heard with their attitudes, racism, finger pointing, stone throwing and what not.
    Its fine, i expect that but this post was only written out of my frustration on trying to hv a working Kemper addressed to Mr. Kemper himself. He has heard it, he has explained it and im happy to know that he cares and is giving me a solution for this. This post was not to get anyone to hate Kemper (what kind of idiot writes hate posts on company forum...n guys, i am a fan too!!! :) ), it was just a way for me to reach Mr. Kemper in my desperation to hv a working unit.
    Now that he has heard me and i believe he will do what is best in this situation, i will no longer continue posting and replying all the nonsense non constructive replies.
    Its easy to comment and point fingers, wait til u spend ur hard earned money (no, not ur parents christmas gift or allowance) and realize u didnt get what u paid for, only then will you understand where im coming from.

    Thx to those who gv constructive comments and Mr. Kemper, i appreciate just waiting for the day that i hv a fully operating Kemper unit and rock out. Apologies to anyone insulted by this thread, it was not my intention.

    Alex Joshua

  • Its easy to comment and point fingers...

    Weren't you the one who started it?
    I mean, do you expect to come online, saying half lies and leaving out details from the story at a company's forums, and come out as the good guy?
    Even if you were right or told everything, you'd just look bad.
    I myself went through this same feeling when I made a thread about customer support not answering one of my bug reports... I got some really informative replies from Kemper, most of which I already knew or guessed, but nothing really new or ground-shaking. And the only thing I actually received were bad feelings inside, because I didn't want to sound like I'm bashing or hating, but you can only sound like that with a public outcry. So I decided it was a bad idea and tried to understand the company's points instead, what I didn't find hard doing so after I calmed down and thought about it a little.
    I'm just saying that it's never worth it. Calm down, contact support directly either by phone or email even 500 times if you have to, but matters like this are not meant to be brought to the public. There will never be a real solution from this, neither symphathy towards you, and you're only generating tension.


    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Weren't you the one who started it?
    I mean, do you expect to come online, saying half lies and leaving out details from the story at a company's forums, and come out as the good guy?
    Even if you were right or told everything, you'd just look bad.
    I myself went through this same feeling when I made a thread about customer support not answering one of my bug reports... I got some really informative replies from Kemper, most of which I already knew or guessed, but nothing really new or ground-shaking. And the only thing I actually received were bad feelings inside, because I didn't want to sound like I'm bashing or hating, but you can only sound like that with a public outcry. So I decided it was a bad idea and tried to understand the company's points instead, what I didn't find hard doing so after I calmed down and thought about it a little.
    I'm just saying that it's never worth it. Calm down, contact support directly either by phone or email even 500 times if you have to, but matters like this are not meant to be brought to the public. There will never be a real solution from this, neither symphathy towards you, and you're only generating tension.


    Thank you for that explanation. Yes i realize it and appreciate u explaining that this possibly wasnt the best method. I did however try all the nice and proper ways i knew how which included talking to my dealer, talking to kemper and trying to work it out but its when i received a huge a bill that i wasnt sure what else to do but make my point in the forum. N no i have no lies or cover ups...i can post up all my conversations since the 1st email in 5 seconds but that simply wouldnt stop people from most likely defending Kemper as it is Kemper's forum and it sure wouldnt make anything better so i wont do that.
