iPhone software - cool... and a question about Amplifier profile selection

  • So, I bought a Vonets wifi hub for 17 bucks on Amazon that was delivered overnight (that in itself... wow!) - plugged the hub into Kemper ethernet/USB jacks, connected hub to iPhone via wifi settings, started up the new Kemper IOS app, and it recognized my Kemper within 10 seconds - amazing!

    I then ran into an issue that I'm wondering if others have experienced: when editing a profile (in either browse or performance mode), when I go to the amplifier module and try to change amps, I'm presented with a fixed list of 8 amps, starting with "Black Stone Max Ton" and ending with "Robots Gainy" - none of which I'm currently using, and none of which are related to the profile I'm editing. Please see picture below (note - while this is from "Demo mode" - it's the same screen I see when connected to the Kemper):

    I can't figure out how to see/select any other amp profiles in the drop down. I'm hoping I'm missing something here and doing something wrong.

    If anyone has any suggestions to help me out with this, I'd hugely appreciate it!



  • Thanks paults - appreciate the response! Didn't realize that there were basic amp presets in the OS. There is no "from rigs" type of select option in the IOS app, so I guess at this point I'll just work with the amp in the underlying profile and use the editor to manage all the other elements around it.

    To the IOS app designers - this could be a great feature add, to allow selecting amp modules from other profiles, as we can today directly from the UI on the device itself. So basically you could see how your overall profile would change when swapping in different amps (for example, A/B a marshall vs. a boogie with all the other parameters staying the same, so that you can fine tune the full set of variables).

    Thanks again,
