My Direct profiles sound weak

  • I have to be doing something wrong, so maybe someone can help. Looking to create some direct profiles of my amp. Signal chain is as outlined in the manual:

    Guitar > Kemper input> Kemper Direct out > Amp input > Powerstation > Powerstation XLR send back to Kemper Return > Powerstation out to guitar cab

    It sounds amazing when profiling, but when I disconnect the amp and go to the traditional Kemper/Powerstation/Cab setup it sounds very weak. Zero girth, just distortion.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I missing the Kemper DI box or is the power station fine on its own?

    Gibson, Taylor, Wizard, Matchless, Fractal, Kemper

    Edited once, last by bigfoamfinger (March 28, 2022 at 10:25 PM).

  • Yep! You may want to check out a thread I started a couple of days ago regarding this very thing.
    Here's the thread:
    "Direct Amp Profiles and DI Questions"

    Thanks. Watching your thread too. It's unreal how little info there is on the Direct Profile process, especially considering how long the KPA has been on the market. These profiles should be the easiest in the world to make. I just don't get it

    Gibson, Taylor, Wizard, Matchless, Fractal, Kemper

  • Thanks. Watching your thread too. It's unreal how little info there is on the Direct Profile process, especially considering how long the KPA has been on the market. These profiles should be the easiest in the world to make. I just don't get it

    TBH its probably because direct profiles are not used as frequently as Studio or Merged.

    They are only for running a conventional cab which doesn't help for running direct to FOH or direct into a DAW for practice or recording.

  • TBH its probably because direct profiles are not used as frequently as Studio or Merged.

    They are only for running a conventional cab which doesn't help for running direct to FOH or direct into a DAW for practice or recording.

    Yeah that makes sense but with how "easy" these are in theory to make due to not worrying about mic placement, people should be making them all the time (I would think). Can always throw an IR in the chain for recording or FOH

    Gibson, Taylor, Wizard, Matchless, Fractal, Kemper

  • Yeah that makes sense but with how "easy" these are in theory to make due to not worrying about mic placement, people should be making them all the time (I would think). Can always throw an IR in the chain for recording or FOH

    I agree it should be easier.

    My point is that the KPA's primary purpose is the complete end to end, not as a straight replacement of the amp. That is the main benefit that is what recordings and live audiences hear, not amp in the room.

    Direct profiles for this reason are a retrograde step because you then have to add the cab section etc.

    I get the use case, just commenting on why there is less information and focus on it. Having used the KPA for 8 years, the main benefit is not having to use guitar cabs or worry about adding cab "colour" later, its all in one.

  • Direct profiles for this reason are a retrograde step because you then have to add the cab section etc.

    Interesting. I don't think it's "retrograde" at all. That's the reason for it to exist in Kemper-land. Kemper offered it as a possibility and some users (like myself) want to have the ability to make direct amp profiles of many different heads, use a real physical cabinet to record with, use as a stage monitor, etc.. It's just a different mindset and one that makes sense to me especially for recording purposes. I'd rather it just not be an option if it has to be this unsupported and difficult to make convincing direct profiles.

    As a whole, I still have real sonic issues with Kemper's DAC. 44.1kHz/16 bit is just not cutting it anymore. At least offer 48kHz/24 bit or higher like their competitors. I think that's the reason why I've never been a fan of kemper verbs and delays. they sound grainy and spitty to my ears. Eventide, Strymon, Universal Audio, and Line 6, to name a few all have much better sounding delays and verbs. Live, you'll never hear it of course. In the studio, it's painfully obvious for me.

    This may seem not connected, but it is. The DAC in the Kemper has never been updated (as far as I know). Your profiles are all getting converted to red-book standard, AES, 44.1kHz/16bit inside the unit. That's why the unit will downsample any IR's that are of a higher value. FWIW, I wouldn't be surprised if Kemper comes out with another "upgrade" head, etc in the near future either software or hardware. Until then, The Kemper DI for making direct profiles is the "workaround" it seems.