2 separate Wah's - Yes I read the manual

  • What I have setup

    - Patch that starts heavily distorted. Auto-Wah set at 0% mix

    - When Morph is engaged switches to light distortion with Auto-Wah at 100% mix

    The above works well but then I need a solo (volume) boost on the heavily distorted Morph setting with a Bypass@Heel Wah enabled.

    What I am after

    - 1 patch that is heavily distorted with Auto-Wah off in the bottom morph position. But a second Wah controlled by the expression pedal that gives a steady, static volume boost as the Expression pedal is depressed further (ie Solo boost with manual Wah). The volume should not increase or decrease as the Expression pedal is manipulate unless it reaches the point of being bypassed.

    - When Morph is engaged a cleaner sound with Auto-Wah Engaged. Doesn't matter if the 2nd Wah is at 0% mix or 100% mix. Won't be used.

    If I put the 2nd Wah before the Amp/Cabinet the Volume setting only seems to decrease the volume (negative values). Setting the Volume to a plus value does not increase the volume any. If I put the 2nd Wah after the Amp/Cab (and Soft Shaper) , depending on where I set the Pedal Range, I get a volume decrease as the expression pedal is engaged and a big volume increase as the Wah is closer to fully depressed (toe).

    Is there any way to setup the 2nd Wah so there is an immediate volume increase as soon as the expression is past the bypass point and then keep that same volume level as the expression is engaged further (all the way to the toe)?

  • Why isn't that what you are looking for?

    When I set Wah Volume to +5.0 and Pedal Mode to Bypass @ Heel,

    - there is no wah effect and no volume increase while the Wah Pedal rest in heel position,

    - as soon as I move the Wah Pedal, the wah effect gets activated including it's increased volume.

    It works pre and post stack with volume decreases as well as volume increases.

    It works with both, an expression pedal configured as Wah Pedal as well as Morph Pedal with "MorphPedal > Wah" activated.

    Check, if you are using current OS.

  • OS is 8.6.6 which seems to be the latest

    I started eliminating everything I could. With just the 2nd Wah active, everything else deactivated, it works as expected. However, if I turn the Amplifier on then suddenly the Wah volume knob has little to no effect except that as you turn the volume knob from negative to positive numbers there seems to be a little grit (distortion) as the volume setting on the Wah is increased.

    So I turned the Gain parameter to 0.0 on the Amplifier and then tried different volume positions on the Wah Wah panel of Rig Manager.

    - at -5.0 there is a significant volume decrease and very slightly more grit when the Expression pedal is moved

    - at -2.5 there is not much a volume difference between the Wah bypassed and when the expression pedal is being used. Maybe slightly more grit than -5.0 but hard to tell.

    - at 0.0 there is a very large volume increase when using the Exp pedal, grit seems about the same as when the volume is set to negative numbers.

    - +2.5 there is a volume increase from when the Wah is not engaged but it is noticeably lower in volume than when I do the same thing with the Wah volume at 0.0. There is also noticeably more grit than when the Wah volume is at 0.0 or negative numbers

    - +5.0 the volume is about the same whether the expression pedal is on bypass or in use but there is a lot more grit.

  • This is correct behaviour. It is how real amps work. A clean amp (gain 0 on the KPA for example) has very little compression so you hear added volume in front of the amp as an increase in volume. However, the more distortion present in the amp itself, the more any signal being fed into the amp is compressed. The result is that adding volume in front of the amp is perceived as adding distortion (gain) but the actual volume isn’t increased by much. Eventually, with enough amp gain, the signal becomes fully compressed (limited) and additional volume hitting the front of the amp result in more distortion but no increase in volume.

  • I had to give up on it. Way too much time spent trying to tweak one sound. I ended up throwing the Touch Wah after the Amp/Cab/Soft Shaper and then put a graphic EQ behind it that is at 0% mix when on the high gain portion of the Morph and at 100% when on the clean portion. Doesn't sound great but it is going to have to do. I can't waste any more time on it.

  • Fair enough. Do try to read the post above though. It's a key concept to master for any guitarist using boost or overdrives and the like.

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  • I read it and now understand it, thanks. I stuck the 2nd Wah behind the Amp and Cab but still didn't like the results when trying to get a volume adjustment when the Wah is actively being used. Ended up setting it to Touch Wah and added a Booster effect both of which are controlled by 1 button from my Remote. It works but does not sound nearly as good as when manually controlling the Wah. Too much going on with what I am playing to hit a boost button and then get over to the Wah. It has to be a 1 button change.