Kemper Power Kab EQ tips?

  • How are you approaching your EQ with the Kemper Power Kab? Do you find your studio profiles are translating to the Kab and the imprints, or, are you having to adjust the amp EQ or monitor EQ to get what you want?

    Edited once, last by mtmartin71 (March 9, 2022 at 1:38 AM).

  • Out of the box I think they translate well.

    The problem is many people E.Q. for their particular monitor system.

    OK...I'm finding the MBritt studio profiles to have too much high end and too little low end with imprints (for my tastes at least). I'm mostly focused on the G12M and G12H imprints. The Tone Junkie direct amp profiles are translating better but I have to add an IR to them to use properly.

    I did get a little better rounding off by dropping the Directivity. I had it up around 8 and pretty much turned it off. That helps.