RHCP "Give it Away" Sounds

  • Hi all,

    Total, noob here. Haven't learned enough about this awesome device to do a lot for myself so thought I'd ask here.

    My band is going to do "Give it Away" by the RHCP and would like to find a good sound for the main riffs as well as the reverse recoded lead.

    Any ideas? I don't mind paying for a good rig sound if it's spot on.

    Many thanks for all your input.


  • I think you will be looking at a Marshal Plexi (a bright one at that), a Strat in the #2 position on the PUPs, and a flanger for the weird parts ;).

    Start with that, then work the eq to get it right.

    Oh, some compression may also be needed to get it right as well.

  • Just a guess but try using a reverse delay with a quick single repeat and turn the dry mix way down only allowing the wet reverse to be heard. I've never heard this song before but I think a reverse delay could work, or you have to do the reverse effect in a studio and use pre-recorded riff for live -- maybe that's what the artist did??

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hi!

    Huge RHCP fan, been looking for BSSM tones a while ago, and my boring conclusion is : If you got a strat like guitar, and a crunchy amp, the rest is in the pick attack and technique.

    Anyway, never got into that song specifically, but here's a snippet of the only riff I sort of know:

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    Note: This type of sound by itself is quite ear piercing. You can hear the same in the isolated guitar tracks of BSSM. It really shines in a mix though.

    If you like it, this is what I'm using (Strat on the bridge pickup only)

    - Profile: BM Van Wheel T dist profile from the free Bert Meulendijk rig pack . Incredible profile! Comes stock with Rig Manager.

    - lowered the gain a little bit

    - A little bit of chorus, because I think there's some modulation going on. Not sure about that though.