KPA test by FAS

  • When i lived in the USA, I couldn't really believe that they could actually say bad things about competing companies directly on TV commercials. It does and is bad ethics and makes the companies seem desperate and low if they really can't stand behind how good THEIR product is without trying to push down the others.

    You can also make any AMP on earth sound terrible if you want.. and any guitar regardless of the make


    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • I salute CK for not falling for this FAS bush-league B*ll Sh*t.
    Cliff is coming off like the insecure, maniacal, mud-slinging, spoiled cult leader that he is. After the AXE fizzles to 11 Rack levels of the market, he should start his own religious sect. To join the Fractalite cult, costs a bazillion dollars and there is a seven month waiting list. I know some forum members at TGP and FAS that would happily follow!
    Pffffffftttttttttt........ Cliff wishes the AXE II aliased as badly.........

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • the real question you should ask yourself is: SO WHAT?

    how many users at the FAS forum or here do even know what 'aliasing' means? :D

    the fact a modeler uses the best AD/DA converters, has the lowest signal to noise ratio, the biggest processing capability, and most extensive I/O capabilities doesn't mean it's got 'better tone'.

    since 'tone' it's purely subjective it can't be physically measured, unfortunately.

    i think the kemper is a great example of how much you can achieve by using less (except less knobs, lol)

  • Cliff is an engineer learning his craft in the military. And for this engineer the world is measureble and based on logic. This combined with his military background resolved in an extreme agressive highly compatative attitude. He wants to win no matter what. So this whole Ali-saying thing is in his mind a major flaw he can not crasp.

    The fun of this all is that even with Ali-saying the Kemper sounds way better then the snax. And although he states the snax does not have Ali-saying he still wants to copy the best Kemper profiles (with for him inferiour Ali-saying) for the snax. This is very unlogic thinking for this engineer.

    So maybe Cliff needs a long vacation with his family and cats.

    Poor Cliff, lets wish him well on his well deserved vacation.

    (maybe this whole thing has to do with the eminent release of the 19" rack version, at least I hope so)

  • I think we should keep the high level this forum has shown so far. And to be honest I don't recall anyone in here to have ever crossed the dignity line.
    Even though it's a KPA dedicated forum and cannot be totally unbiased, I believe most of us users have shown a pretty decent attitude on whatever has to do with the competition and the same applies to CK and the Kemper team( :thumbup: ).
    That's what fully grown men (Dobarzzz TM) are expected to do.

    After all the actual product, its sales and featured artists' endorsement speak for themselves and the list is growing (and glowing) :thumbup:

  • this forum is no better than the fractal forum (or any other brand forum) if we keep bashing their products/developers here.

    the polite and smart way to handle this would be to ignore these kind of comparisons. show them better

  • don't care about 10kHz signals, since my guitar doesn't produce them

    that's arguable. though most overtones are below than frequency range, i can CLEARLY hear the effect of a lopwass filter set at 10kHz after the amp.
    however, guitars are mostly a low-pass filter set in this range or even lower when recording. i'll give you that :)

    you're also missing the point since aliasing occurs at other frequencies as well. i guess cliff chose 10kHz since it most conveniently showed the 'superiority' of the axefxII.

  • if we keep bashing their products/developers here.

    I don't think anybody did, what I (and many others) are bashing is an unethical commercial strategy/beheaviour. When you go public with certain statements then you're are exposed to a public critic.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I don't think anybody did, what I (and many others) are bashing is an unethical commercial strategy/beheaviour. When you go public with certain statements then you're are exposed to a public critic.

    i agree with the public statement criticism part.

    still, there are several responses alone in this thread refelct the typical forum fanboy attitude. i won't even bother quoting these.

  • Oh, jeez.

    Lord knows I did enough Kemper alias benchmarking here recently (search the threads for audio demo links), but at least I was more fair about the frequency ranges I used to test with. Nice to see Cliff baldly state the oversampling rate used by the Axe-FX II (16x), which seems to be apples-to-apples with the Kemper, or at least up to the 1.04 firmware after which corners starting getting cut. Cliff doesn't mention what KPA firmware version he used for his tests.

    We've had a few firmware updates since I last ran Kemper aliasing tests (around 1.08 IIRC) but despite the hoopla there haven't been any comments in the firmware revision notes regarding addressing aliasing issues on the KPA so I quit testing them for this.

    I hope Cliff's post brings the issue back in to the limelight again, it's not like it's going to go away.
