• I just bought a Kemper and I am looking for someone who has profiles for my favorite guitarist of all time Criss Oliva. I want clean, gain, solo profiles with cabs for Criss’ complete discography: Sirens, Dungeons Are Calling, Power Of The Night, Fight For The Rock, Hall Of The Mountain King, Gutter Ballet, Streets: A Rock Opera and Edge of Thorns. I’m not interested in anything after EOT, only Criss Oliva tone :P
    If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Hello and welcome to the forum and the Kemperverse! I love Savatage and CO, but I would be surprised if anyone would have readymade profiles for that. You may try as they do a lot of “ready to go” profiles in that genre (also on sale) along with other commercial profilers (check the commercial announcement sub forum as well)…

    Lots of free profiles on the exchange that will get you close - I would start with a profile that’s close to what he used (Marshall is a good start and there are a LOT of good ones on the exchange) and then add In the desired effects. The attached article is a pretty good read on his gear if you haven’t seen it.…s-gear-details/

  • Thank you guys so much.
    I have to say this Kemper Profiler Rack I purchased is so good, it’s intimidating ????. I can’t believe how good it sounds and how good it feels. Before it arrived I had purchased some Top Jimi profiles just to have them ready to download into the Kemper and wow….both the stock profiles and the Top Jimi profiles…everything sounds incredible.
    I plug into the Kemper, the Kemper into my ISP Stealth power amp into my Randall Warhead 4 x 12

    ??? and I’m in heaven.