Noise issue with Profiler Stage

  • Just recently took delivery of a used Profiler Stage, and while everything sounds great there's a noise issue I can't seem to resolve. It seems to be coming from the unit itself, as it's present regardless of what guitar, guitar cable, power cable, or location in my house I use. It's present in every output from the unit (headphones, XLR, etc.), and does not respond to any of the output control settings. It's louder in gainier profiles, or when increasing the gain on a given profile, but still present in cleaner ones as well. I've linked to a recording here:

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    The unit has been updated to the most recent OS. For what it's worth - using the same guitars cables, power cords, etc. with my other gear (amps, direct box into my interface, Line 6 Helix) in the same room does not yield the same issue. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

  • I would contact technical support....Have you tried this yet?
    Noisy outputsIf you should hear noise on any outputs, please check the GROUND LIFT buttonson the back panel(or Ground Lift options in the Output Section of the PROFILER Stage). Thesemay only be used selectively and must never be activated all at the same time. This is very important.Otherwise, you might not only face a shielding issue, but also a serious health risk.If it’s just the S/PDIFOUTPUTthat’s producing noise, please ensure that the shielding of the RCA jack has no

  • I have indeed tried using the ground lift options in the output menu - unfortunately to no avail. I will be contacting customer support shortly if I'm unable to find a solution.

  • I did. While it does quiet things down when I’m not playing, you can still hear the buzz as you let a note or chord decay (particularly with higher gain profiles).

  • I did. While it does quiet things down when I’m not playing, you can still hear the buzz as you let a note or chord decay (particularly with higher gain profiles).

    Ok i don't know mate i'm also a new to the unit but was worth a try.

    I would try a factory reset if i were you and if it's still there the unit probably needs some RMA

    Edit: FYI i just got my Kemper Stage unit last weekend and it is mouse quiet so it should not make any noises like that for sure.

  • You might want to look in this option first though it is less drastic option then the factory reset.


    In case any inputs or outputs don’t operate as you would expect, or you experience any other unpredicted behavior, the soft button “Init Globals” in System Settings will reset most global parameters in System Settings and Output Section as well as returning all locks to their default state. This way, you are always able to recover a defined state of settings. Your stored Rigs, presets, Performances, and Slots won’t be impacted by this reset.

  • Is the noice still there if you disconnect your guitar and cable from Profiler Input ?

    Other electric gizmos around like router, PC, LCD screen, dimmers, light tubes,

    cell phone, smart watch, AC and so on ..........

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • there's a noise issue I can't seem to resolve

    You wrote it's present no matter what cable, guitar etc.

    Can you try loading a rig with a bit more gain and completely disconnect the guitar cable and all other inputs (e.g. S/PDIF)? Listen through headphones connected to the Profiler. Is the noise still there? If not, I would guess it's not an issue with your Profiler but an RFI issue that makes your guitar / cable act like an antenna.

    Next step would be to shutdown your computer, switch off all cellphones, switch off room lights ... basically switch off everything but the Profiler. Noise still there?

  • You wrote it's present no matter what cable, guitar etc.

    Can you try loading a rig with a bit more gain and completely disconnect the guitar cable and all other inputs (e.g. S/PDIF)? Listen through headphones connected to the Profiler. Is the noise still there? If not, I would guess it's not an issue with your Profiler but an RFI issue that makes your guitar / cable act like an antenna.

    Next step would be to shutdown your computer, switch off all cellphones, switch off room lights ... basically switch off everything but the Profiler. Noise still there?

    The noise is still present when the unit is away from other RFI sources - as far away as I can get in my relatively small house, that is. I took it with me to work, and the same noise at the same amplitude is still present in a completely different environment.

    Disconnecting the cable and other inputs (while monitoring through the headphone jack) does cause the noise to cease, which also made me suspect that it was something outside the unit itself. But if that's the case, I would also expect the volume of the noise to change when using different guitars or cables. Instead, the noise remains consistent regardless of all external factors. And - if it's the guitar or cables, why doesn't that same noise occur when I'm plugged into my amps, my Helix, or my audio interface? That's what's got me confused.

  • the same noise,i cant use my kemper throoug mail ooutout jack,i made reset factory i tried to lift ground and still there....

    need help


    Hi, have you solved it? Did you go into input settings and see if you have any high sens e or other levels?check the levels of clean sens, disruption sens, input source....remember that with each update of the machine these values change, as do the outputs
    once you have adjusted these values based on the type of guitar, put the padlock, so they remain unchanged in all your rigs

    Edited once, last by pipo64 (September 12, 2023 at 2:34 PM).