Rig Pack 02

  • Pete
    That Fuzz Face is tricky as it loves to see a very high input impedance. That is why it cleans up so well when you roll back your guitar volume control..
    Many guys even have trouble placing a wah in front of that fuzz.
    A buffer will work, but will change the sound. It might sound ok....
    Try any Boss pedal in bypass as its output is always buffered.

    I would try a passive transformer like an Ebtech to raise the impedance of the Kemper send to something the Fuzz can live with.
    You may have tried that already....
    Its a tricky one!


    Bill, any tips on profiling with a fuzz pedal? I have an Eric Johnson signature fuzz I want to profile into one of my vintage marshalls, but I can't get it to work correctly with the output from the kemper. Even tried a box that converts the impedance and that didn't help either. Any ideas? Thanks!


    Edited once, last by 01000100 (July 21, 2012 at 3:55 PM).

  • IMHO more profiles isn't really the priority... let's refine what we already have... less Aliesing, perform mode, undo/redo, pitch shifter... any computer link for management, AMP MODULE, midiboard
    You get the picture ;)

  • I'm pretty much set with the rigs I have but definitely welcome the rig packs - it's nice to check them out. Especially nice was to have those Fender Rhodes rigs by Ruppert in the Rig Pack (eventhough those were already available on the rig exchange). I wouldn't mind seeing more rigs along those lines in the future packs.

    And I would guess that Rig Packs don't take too much resources away from the software development either. So to me they're a nice bonus. Thanks for that Kemper team!

  • I'm pretty much set with the rigs I have but definitely welcome the rig packs - it's nice to check them out. Especially nice was to have those Fender Rhodes rigs by Ruppert in the Rig Pack (eventhough those were already available on the rig exchange). I wouldn't mind seeing more rigs along those lines in the future packs.

    And I would guess that Rig Packs don't take too much resources away from the software development either. So to me they're a nice bonus. Thanks for that Kemper team!

    some of the men on this forum have really nice packages as well

  • Been playing a bit more with the Zodiac, tried the S. Mehl Greenback cab with it and suddenly I thought I knew that sound. It took me a day to remember where I know that sound from, but now I know:

    It's the sound of early Pink Floyd with Syd Barret. I did some research and seemingly he played Selmer amps as well.

    So if you are into early Floyd, change the cab of the (crunch) Zodiac to the Mehl Greenback, plug in your Strat and have a go. Important is a Treble Booster for that sound. I use a BSM RM (Rangemaster clone) in front of the Kemper, but you can use the built-in Treble Booster also.

    Edited once, last by Garrincha (July 21, 2012 at 10:34 PM).

  • OK, so I went back and went through the new rigs again, but this time with my strat, and I officially change my mind. There is some good stuff in there! The blackface bassman and the S Mehl are all keepers. Bill's old Kay profile is pure old funk. Amazing the difference a day makes (and trying these with single coils). :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • OK, so I went back and went through the new rigs again, but this time with my strat, and I officially change my mind. There is some good stuff in there! The blackface bassman and the S Mehl are all keepers. Bill's old Kay profile is pure old funk. Amazing the difference a day makes (and trying these with single coils). :thumbup:

    I've never played a hardware/software modeler prior to owning the Kemper that yields such different results from guitar to guitar or pickup to pickup for that matter.

  • I've never played a hardware/software modeler prior to owning the Kemper that yields such different results from guitar to guitar or pickup to pickup for that matter.

    Many fully grown male individuals find that their packages perform better with a different pickup.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I see few negative comments on rig 2 but IMHO its a good pack but you have to turn some dials, maybe give and take away here and there.
    I don't mess with gain unless it plays nice when turning the dial. I've dialed in some nice patches. Thanks for rig pack II :thumbup:

  • 5. Drive-Thru Speaker
    Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if you could plug your
    guitar into the drive-thru speaker system at your local fast food
    hamburger restaurant?
    Tthis is it!
    Its a great for break downs in songs that totally Low-fi's your guitar sound.

    I'm really excited to get to my studio tonight and check that one out. IMO, we've got a ton of cool hi-fi amps that come with the KPA and even more on the Rig Exchange ,but what's lacking is weird oddball lo-fi stuff. I'd love to hear some old radios, walky-talkys and children toys profiled. Can you tell I'm an Audioease Speakerphone fan? :D

  • Just finished playing my strat with those S Mehl rigs again. Just outstanding! I made no changes to them whatsoever other than volume adjustment and adding in some delay. SWEET! 8o

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer