"Rig Manager Setup Ended Prematurely" SOLVED

  • So I was attempting to update Rig manager when this error occurred:

    "Rig Manager Setup Ended Prematurely"

    I even went so far as to uninstall the previous version and restart my computer after a few attempts.

    Now it won't let me install it AT ALL and i keep getting the exact same message over and over!

    Windows 10 64 bit.

    Anyone have an idea what to do to get it to install? I can't even restore/reinstall any previous versions and windows system restore was USELESS.


  • There a bunch of files in Program Files/Kemper Amps/Rig Manager and also here:

    C:\Users\#username#\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps\RigManager (The directory might be hidden by default.)

    BUT I would get directions from Support because you don't want to remove everything in these places - you want to retain the existing database of rigs etc which could be lost if you trash the lot. (So anything that you delete or move to another temporary folder needs to be saved in case you need it and you would need to note where it was before you moved it.

    Simpler and more foolproof to get Support - who know all the problems that can arise - to direct you.

  • There a bunch of files in Program Files/Kemper Amps/Rig Manager and also here:

    C:\Users\#username#\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps\RigManager (The directory might be hidden by default.)

    BUT I would get directions from Support because you don't want to remove everything in these places - you want to retain the existing database of rigs etc which could be lost if you trash the lot. (So anything that you delete or move to another temporary folder needs to be saved in case you need it and you would need to note where it was before you moved it.

    Simpler and more foolproof to get Support - who know all the problems that can arise - to direct you

    I found (and backed up) that directory. Thought I deleted everything, but something still lingers that is causing the issue.

    Support STILL has not gotten back to me.

  • I found (and backed up) that directory. Thought I deleted everything, but something still lingers that is causing the issue.

    Support STILL has not gotten back to me.

    I always have backups of Rig Manager contents - I use them to keep other machines up to date. So the current database can be replaced by backups if anything goes awry. One thing that might be necessary is to actually uninstall Rig Manager in Add/Remove programs (or whatever it is called in Win 10). This might not work if you have already removed those folders though.

  • I always have backups of Rig Manager contents - I use them to keep other machines up to date. So the current database can be replaced by backups if anything goes awry. One thing that might be necessary is to actually uninstall Rig Manager in Add/Remove programs (or whatever it is called in Win 10). This might not work if you have already removed those folders though.


    Yeah, I did the actual Windows removal tool. That's where the problem started.

    I wound up having to reinstall the latest version of Windows 10. Restarted the computer a couple of times and then finally successfully installed RM.

    I used a USB key to make the Windows 10 install tool. Then used that. That tool is here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10

    (Make sure to "Keep files and apps" on install)

    I had to update to the very latest Version of Windows 10 this way or it would not let me keep files and apps.

    After restart, Installed RM.

    Started RM and closed after it caught up with the online library updates.

    I then transferred by backup files into the Kemper Directory at C:/username/Appdata/Local/Kemper (same location I copied the original library from) and restarted RM. Everything was left where I had them.

    I learned some new tricks for folder management and transferring new profiles this way too!

    Leaving this in case someone else has a problem and needs to try this solution.