What Mission Engineering pedal for use with the KPA?

  • I'm considering the Mission Control EP1-KP-GN, though the color is less than unimportant, especially considering the lighting in my studio and the fact that it'll be under foot when I'm using it.  :rolleyes:

    I currently have a Roland EV-7 I'm using for the job and it works great but it's too big for me. I'm a small guy and the excursion just doesn't feel right to me. The volume knob helps limit it, but over all I just don't feel comfortable with it. My second pedal is a Yamaha and I like the lower profile and shorter throw.

    I've also considered the Boss FV500H, but I saw there may be some issues? The main reason I'm looking at it is because the adjustable tension looked interesting. The Rocktron Hex has this as well. They're also in stock where as the Mission Control isn't and a bit cheaper. Should I just wait for the Mission Control?

  • How do the Mission Engineering pedals compare to the expression pedals on the Behringer FCB1010? Wondering whether to go with a 1010 or the mission pedals and another midi controller.

    I tried a Boss EV-5 once and it was terrible.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • How do the Mission Engineering pedals compare to the expression pedals on the Behringer FCB1010? Wondering whether to go with a 1010 or the mission pedals and another midi controller.

    I tried a Boss EV-5 once and it was terrible.

    The pedals in the FCB surely aren't built as sturdy as ME pedals or Boss FV500 but yet no pedal on any FCB I owned (3 in total) ever had any malfunction.

    About the general pedal range: I think this is highly subjective. For me it's a bit of a mixed bag. I feel the range should be a bit wider (or selectable) on the FCB pedals. While the range for wah is optimal for my taste the range for volume could be a bit wider for better control. Controlling the volume with the FCB pedals is a bit difficult because the pedal is so light and sensitive.