Tube or SS Power Amp??

  • Yeah, I hear you, lol! I actually borrowed his RCF to try with my Kemper and it just didn't sound enough like a real amp for me. Different strokes..... :)

  • Ehhh, I guess I see what you mean, but it doesn't bother me in the least. you are hearing basically what you would hear if you were in the crowd at a show, so it is "different" I guess, but some guys get really bent out of shape about it. After hearing my two mackie HD 1531s in stereo though, I am sold, and not looking back. What it lacks in "sounding like a 4x12 cab and an amp" ( I guess, if you consider that a bad thing) it more than makes up for with other attributes. I love how the FRFR speakers are not laser beam like, like a 4x12. They are not directional, you hear everything the same no matter where you are standing, which I very much enjoy. At practice, I find I do not have to turn up nearly as much, as the laser beam like quality of a 4x12 was the biggest reason I felt the need to turn up more and more. No 4x12 and cab set up can touch my 2 1531s in stereo, it just isn't going to happen. It sounds like I'm playing at the stage of woodstock in my bedroom, at practice, and of course at shows. I love it, it is perfect for the KPA. I also have my VHT ultralead and Deliverance 4x12 cab as well, and whenever I get the urge to plug in to that, It sounds amazing as well, no doubt, just different. I enjoy FRFR because I can always 'hear" my ultralead and my deliverance 4x12 cab in every profile, it is just the way it is, it is always there (duh), but with the FRFR, you really do feel like every profile is different, so I dig it.

  • I must admit that i didnt try the top notch FRFR cabs yet, but what i tried didnt put a smile on my face yet. Though i could get enough low end chunk out of it i missed the "wood" of a 4 x 12. When i changed to monitor out with a ENGL860 or 520 tube power amp with EL84s into one of my 1960s it´s just WOW. But then you have the problem of different rigs sounding too similar to each other. Maybe i should try to a convert a guitar cab into a FRFR. Anyone ever did this?

    I think i saw a 4x12 FRFR cab by jet city in a NAMM video. Sounds interesting too...

  • That was a 2x12 + 2x tweeter in a 4x12 cab. You can put 4 coax speaker in a 4x12, but is going to be expensive...the RCF ones cost short of 500€ each....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • My solution to the problem.

    Monitor out "cabsim off" to the tube buffered FX return of my Naylor SD60 + Naylor 412 Cab - sounds awesome and gives our Drummer what he misses with FRFR - (no mics though, only for that "amp in the room" feeling)

    Main out to RCF12SMA or RCF10SMA (depends on stage size) for my personal monitoring on stage and rehearsal

    Stereo main out to FOH.

    After playin a few gigs on bigger stages, a 212/412 cab on stage still makes sense to me.

    My bandmates prefer it with a guitarcab - to me the RCF is enough.

    A friend is goin' to build me a replica of the Naylor poweramp in a small Headshell.

    That should cover all my needs.

    BTW - the blend between the Naylor + 412 and the RCF gives me the sound i always dreamed of - dynamic, clear and powerfull.



  • That's also my idea so far. Using both worlds till I found the perfect solution. Most of the monitor speaker I tried sounded like total crap. I would lose the fun to play guitar period with such sounds, though there are surlely better devices which I didn't come across yet, because I refuse to pay more than 500-700 Euro for such a speaker.

    Till now I can live very good with one Alto monitor in front of me for the direct and more "transparency" sound and one or two EV12L Thiele cabs powered by a Matrix GT800FX for the real amp feeling. For rehearsals and small clubs the Alto is enough for me.

  • Maybe i should try to a convert a guitar cab into a FRFR. Anyone ever did this?

    I'm doubtful about that.
    While anyone can build a guitar cab (because linearity is not the goal, and you may end up liking or not the final result), building a linear system is very demanding and requires high skills and knowledges. In an FRFR cab any and all the details contribute to the system's linearity, in good or bad: the cones, the crossover design, the shape, the volume, every single dimension, the distance between cones, how much the cones come out of the front, any frame around the front... and several others.

    OTOH, you can always put any cone in any cabinet, and you might enjoy the result as well. It's unlikely to be FRFR, but it might end up suiting your tastes :)

  • Not sure what I think about this.....

    "DP 700 - Class D 350w x stereo, 2 x 12" woofer, 2 x 1” neodymium drivers, active cross-over $899 MAP

    Precisely what the modern computer based guitar player is looking for. Use a modeling pedal to record and perform, an iRig, or computer based plug in guitar modeling? Who really wants the unsightly appearance of a PA speaker? What they want is a full range sound system that looks like a guitar amp. Brilliant!"

    Edited once, last by mspeert (July 19, 2012 at 8:10 PM).

  • Yeah, they had been posted on the TGP forum some time ago as well.

    I realize they could (supposing they sound good) make many guitar players happy. As for me, I consider myself a modern computer based guitar player as well, but I've no problems in showing myself around with an RFC NX 12 SMA (just to say) :D

    I'd rather say that this solution is addressed to classic/nostalgic/old style guitar players... And I mean absolutely no offence in this! :)