Tube or SS Power Amp??

  • Hi!

    I'm using an Atomic Monoblock 50W - Tube Amp. It sounds really cool - I use the monitor out and a standard Marshall 1960 4x12 - I feed the FOH through the main outs. I had a Rocktron Velocity 300 (SS) - the Atomic sounds much better!

  • Hi!

    I'm using an Atomic Monoblock 50W - Tube Amp. It sounds really cool - I use the monitor out and a standard Marshall 1960 4x12 - I feed the FOH through the main outs. I had a Rocktron Velocity 300 (SS) - the Atomic sounds much better!

    Hi there!
    Thank for the reply.
    Is the 50W enough power to get good clean headroom? Do you have any issues balancing eq between FOH and Monitor? I assume you are using this set-up w/Monitor Cabs Off? Do you feel/hear a significant difference between the tubes and the ss amp you were using?

  • The beauty of a tube amp is the natural compression and soft clipping that you get. It makes the amp more forgiving and sound louder.

    Solid State amps are more hi-fi but can't be overdriven or they sound harsh. Figure on needing 5 to 10 times the wattage to have the headroom to avoid clipping vs a tube amp. I use a 500w FRFR combo keyboard amp and its about as loud as a 100w tube stack set to max clean volume.


    Edited once, last by musicman65 (July 15, 2012 at 12:17 AM).

  • I'm using my ADA Microtube 200. Sounds great, and a great deal if you can find them out there.

    The Microtube has 2 12AX7's inside. Not the same as power tube distortion, but it adds a nice warmth. They're getting old now, but I've gone through mine and replaced all of the electrolytic caps, so it's good for another 10 years or so.

  • Hi!

    The Atomic is very loud - cleans should be no problem. The sound through a guitar cabinet is of course different of what the audience will hear through the PA. So you have to adjust that sound before and then you can use the monitor out EQ to tweak your stage sound. I like the feel of a 4x12 guitar cab on stage and in my opinion the Tube Amp sounds warmer and richer than the velocity.

  • I have a Matrix GT1000FX into a Mesa 4x12 cab, sounds great (as in: better than the poweramp of my dual rectifier I used before that).

    Using a Matrix power Amp with a standard guitar cab doesn't this defeat the purpose of using a Matrix? I thought the Matrix/Kemper was for use in a Full Range system like a Fractial or is this different?

  • Using a Matrix power Amp with a standard guitar cab doesn't this defeat the purpose of using a Matrix? I thought the Matrix/Kemper was for use in a Full Range system like a Fractial or is this different?


    I can't understand your post, but I'll try. :)

    Full Range system (FRFR) and the Matrix/poweramp through a guitar cab are two different systems...two different methods.

    FRFR or PA, you use the Kemper Main Outs with Cabinet ON direct to the PA system.
    The Matrix/poweramp, you use the Monitor Out with Cabinet OFF direct to a guitar cab.

  • You're right (just concerning your stage monitoring, FOH is still getting the full signal), but is a matter of taste, alot of players prefere to compromise and still have their 4x12 flapping their pants... I've gone FRFR years ago and never looked back.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • You're right (just concerning your stage monitoring, FOH is still getting the full signal), but is a matter of taste, alot of players prefere to compromise and still have their 4x12 flapping their pants... I've gone FRFR years ago and never looked back.

    I'm one of those guys that isn't quite ready to go FRFR yet :)
    I was considering it when I used the KPA in combination with the poweramp of my dual rectifier since I got the feeling that the latter colored the sound a lot and made me loose some of the KPA magic. However, the Matrix is so transparent that I don't hear any of this while still maintaining the tight low end of my Mesa 4x12.

    That's my experience anyway...

  • Sorry for the newbie question but : When you use this method (poweramp+cabs off) aren't all of your patches coloured alot and don't you limit then the amount of different tones you get unlike when using FRFR?

    That's correct: the interaction between poweramp and cab (hence swapping cabs) gives the most important contribution to a sound's definition. So this solution equals to changing heads but going on using your only cab.

    Like benvdd wrote, not everyone is "ready" for FRFR ;)

    OTOH, some bad sounding "FRFR" systems have contributed to give guitar players negative experiences. I'm convinced that anyone trying a pro FRFR solution (let's say a couple of RCF - NX12 SMA in stereo at high volume) couldn't but be blown away (pun intended) :D :D

  • I tried a Velocity 300 with Kemper and despite it sounded decent, it was so digital sounding to me in high-gain profiles. The tried a Brunetti Rockit and it sounded better. But the best way it sounds is on the return of my Engls loop....

    I need to try the Matrix GT1000FX. All the people say good words about it..

  • I recently purchased a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 1X12 and loaded an EV12L in it. I was looking for a great "amp-in-room" tone (as opposed to a FRFR setup). I sure found it.

    It hold it's own against any tube amp I own, and in some cases sounds better.

    Not a tube to be found.

    Quite amazing.