Hi everyone
I am looking and justice for all preset? Do you have any advice for me? I tried Silentunderground studio presets. master of puppets preset is very close i really like it but AJFA preset not so good.
Thank you
Hi everyone
I am looking and justice for all preset? Do you have any advice for me? I tried Silentunderground studio presets. master of puppets preset is very close i really like it but AJFA preset not so good.
Thank you
Choptones has some, but they need refining. Best to look for IRs in that vein. There are people that give Metallica ones away for free.
I discovered this one recently :
It sounds less "IR tone matching" than the others i could tried.
In the free world, I also like these ones : https://mark2cplusprofiled.jimdofree.com/iic-crunch-berry-pack/