That shouldn’t be a problem. The Mesa Mark Series basically have a Fender Tone Stack (often with additional switches to shift frequencies) placed before the clipping stages of the pre amp. I will be shocked if Kemper don’t model this in the first batch. The GEQ is after the preamp stage just before the power amp section. Therefore, a pretty close approximation could be achieved by sticking a GEQ in slot X. The only issue currently is that the Kemper graphic frequencies and Q don’t match the Mesa GEQ. A flexible Kemper Graphic like Kemper Drive or Kemper Fuzz would be all that’s required to make the Mark Series liquid profiling possible.
As i know that Slot x is working after poweramp and cabinet . So it is problem. GEQ has to between amp and cabinet. As i know that you can't put to GEQ between amp and cabinet in Kemper.