Effects « scene switching » !

  • Hi,

    I own a stage

    A great update that wouldn’t require hardware update would be « effects scenes switching ».

    The 4 switch could be assigned to work in a different mode.

    Turning on and off any effects that are in the rig.

    Fs1 could turn on Overdrive + chorus

    Fs2 overdrive + boost + delay

    having 4 effects scenes plus the morph can be a really great addition especially for live use.

  • how does this differ from the current ability to assign multiple FX to the same footswitch. You can use a FS to turn on/off multiple fx and/or toggle between two or more FX on the same switch?

    I think this is more of a global assignment.

    To be honest, the way that the Remote effect buttons are assigned - specifically, manually for each rig and button is a pain. There are 4 buttons and 4 effects yet no plan to create an option to automatically match them up. ?

    I challenge anyone to remember that button 3 on rig # 328 turns the chorus on and the EQ off.

  • I think this is more of a global assignment.

    To be honest, the way that the Remote effect buttons are assigned - specifically, manually for each rig and button is a pain. There are 4 buttons and 4 effects yet no plan to create an option to automatically match them up. ?

    I challenge anyone to remember that button 3 on rig # 328 turns the chorus on and the EQ off.

    OK. I actually like the ease of use with the Remote so much that I ditched my RJM Mastermind midi controller. However, I do agree that the ability to assign button presets in RM and have these applied automatically rather than having to set each one manually would be a great addition.

  • that’s not what the OP is asking.

    I don’t understand the difference though.

    I have read many of your posts and know that you have very specific needs due to the nature of theatre shows. Most of the things you need, and the way you use the system, would cause my brain to explode (I’m a really simple guy). However, having read your explanations I totally understand why your workflow is necessary for the type of work you do. I have massive respect for players like yourself who do those gigs. In this instance I am just trying to understand how “scenes” differ from the current KPA version.

  • I don’t understand the difference though.

    I have read many of your posts and know that you have very specific needs due to the nature of theatre shows. Most of the things you need, and the way you use the system, would cause my brain to explode (I’m a really simple guy). However, having read your explanations I totally understand why your workflow is necessary for the type of work you do. I have massive respect for players like yourself who do those gigs. In this instance I am just trying to understand how “scenes” differ from the current KPA version.

    what I want is effects blocks available on different configurations with any switch.

    For the moment you can’t assign an effect to more than one switch.

    Exemple again

    I want to be able to turn on :

    drive + delay on sw1

    Drive + delay + eq on 2

    Phaser+ delay + reverb on 3

    Etc etc

    it’s impossible for the moment as one effect is only assignable to one switch.

    With this i will not have to create a performance for each song because of the limitations.

    You’ll be able to create 5 basic rigs with 4 more effects scenes on each one.

    So a lot of possibilities with not much to remember

  • +1. As someone who has used Helix and Fractal stuff, I would also really love this feature for KPA.

    I'm pretty sure you can assign 2 effects to one switch, at least on the Stage, but that's pretty limiting compared to what scenes / snapshots could do.

  • I don’t understand the difference though.

    I have read many of your posts and know that you have very specific needs due to the nature of theatre shows. Most of the things you need, and the way you use the system, would cause my brain to explode (I’m a really simple guy). However, having read your explanations I totally understand why your workflow is necessary for the type of work you do. I have massive respect for players like yourself who do those gigs. In this instance I am just trying to understand how “scenes” differ from the current KPA version.

    I think the others have explained it.

    But basically instead of the foot switches being tied to a particular effect block, they instead are recalling the on/off state of a number (or to keep it simpler, maybe ALL) effects blocks. Helix refers to this concept as snapshots - it’s a snapshot of the state of the effects at a “point in time”.

  • instead of the foot switches being tied to a particular effect block, they instead are recalling the on/off state of a number (or to keep it simpler, maybe ALL) effects blocks

    Well, I guess the OP is requesting more than just this, since you can assign the status of up to 4 fx to a single switch already. Not the same fx to several switches tho.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • exactly.

    That’s what I said. “Scene” state of everything, not tied to blocks.

    Sorry, pretty sure it's my English :)


    instead of the foot switches being tied to a particular effect block

    means "tied to particular effect blocks"?

    they instead are recalling the on/off state of a number of effects blocks

    This is what happens already. What am I missing?


    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • they instead are recalling the on/off state of a number of effects blocks

    This is what happens already. What am I missing?


    Thats what I thought initially but Floyd99 explained it and I now see what they mean. To be honest I have never felt there was anything wrong with the current methodology but I can now see merit in what they are asking for. The difference is that you can currently link multiple FX to the same button however any effect can only be linked to a single button. Therefore, if button i turns on OD/Delay and turns off Reverb. Button ii can’t also control OD along with different other FX. You might want button ii to turn on OD /Flanger/EQ (but not Delay or toggle off reverb). As soon as you link OD to button ii it will unlink it from button i.

  • Thats what I thought initially but Floyd99 explained it and I now see what they mean. To be honest I have never felt there was anything wrong with the current methodology but I can now see merit in what they are asking for. The difference is that you can currently link multiple FX to the same button however any effect can only be linked to a single button. Therefore, if button i turns on OD/Delay and turns off Reverb. Button ii can’t also control OD along with different other FX. You might want button ii to turn on OD /Flanger/EQ (but not Delay or toggle off reverb). As soon as you link OD to button ii it will unlink it from button i.

    But that's a different point. You quoted my comment about the fact that recalling the on/off state of a number of effects blocks is already possible :)

    The italicized sentence does not refer to a block being linked to several buttons.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • But that's a different point.

    no, its actually the whole point of the OP’s request. As I said, I originally thought the same but if you read over the thread from the beginning he is effectively asking for a way to remove the exclusivity of one effect to one pedal. while multiple effects can be toggled collectively it is the exclusivity that stops it functioning as a “scene”.