The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • 1. Possibility to change rigs as well as single effects.
    2. The board will have no pedals built in as many users prefer different pedals.

    1. In the meantime I have found the vote for the change of the single effects (The Kemper Foot Controller: What's important to you?) and put my opinion there as well. Seems like I am far out with my opinion there (:( only 6% to go without the effects switches), even if I did not really find my arguments within this thread.
    2. Didn't find the thread so I can just guess what users may want different in expression pedals:
    a) How hard/easy the pedal can be moved.
    b) How far the pedal can be moved.
    And both could be adjustable (e.g. a screw to tighten/loosen the brake and at heel and toe each one part, which can be lowered and heightend and restricts the path of possible travel). I have a quite old Wah where both of this can be changed.
    Maybe somebody can hint me to the thread for the expression pedals, as I have now read lots of times "integrated expression pedals would be great" but saw no actual vote.

    I have made some bad experiences with a separate pedal however, which I kicked away during playing because it was too light. Maybe this is also a reason, why I like expression pedals integrated.

    I already tried pedals with three rows over each other and I find it very hard to use the upper row while standing. I feel like there I am really "stepping" onto the board instead of having my weight on the foot which is left on the ground. And I would guess there I am common, if you look at currently sold guitar multi effects, they mostly have only two rows. When you are sitting however, three rows is no problem.

    The Line 6 FBV Shortboard unfortunately has no midi out (but sends midi via USB???) but there I could accept the 3 rows because the programming and the amount of banks as well as the usability seems to be fine. I searched through lots of non Kemper pedals till now but wasn't able to find "the one" or something close enough for me.

    Maybe another difference is that most of you already decided to buy a Kemper and are now waiting for a floorboard (so you want it quick Zappledan might be your reason for going with the flow), while my decision is still pending upon whether I find a floorboard pleasing me (if it takes some years, I can wait...).

    @Doc: I wouldn't mind, if you argue with me. Everybody can have his/her own opinion. However I am always interested in the reasons for the different opinions. There is not only black and white, sometimes you can find out after putting everything together, that red (or blue or green) is the best choice.

    Kemper Stage

  • the broad consensus documented well in some threads here on the board is:

    The board will have no pedals built in as many users prefer different pedals.

    Really, Doc? IIRC it was Eng. Kemper who stated there would be no onboard pedal. But I seem to remember many people here wishing there was at least one. I could be wrong of course :)

  • I'm one of the guys wishing for external expression pedals for the following reasons:

    1- in my experience they wear off and break: easier to substitute just the 1 piece instead of the all board.
    2- I would like to have a spring-loaded short-run for wha and a separate, large volume pedal (like EB). I'm quite sure it would be difficult to find 2 people here that want the same, hence let everybody choose what they want.

    This was my thinking, not saying that I'm right. ....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • ^ I hear you :)
    Just to clarify, I'm not necessarily voting for embedded expression pedals: your reasons are quite.. reasonable to me X) I Just did not have the impression that the majority of members want them external :)

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (November 9, 2012 at 4:13 AM).

  • Gianfranco, I'm scratching my head right now...
    There have been so many lenghty discussions about pros and cons of in- built pedals and other potential features of a KPA controller that it's absolutely possible that I'm losing track here...
    But it was me opening the thread about what's important for the users in a KPA controlle after talking to CK at the Musikmesse in March to some length.

    What I think we can conclude is that the users' preferences and needs are very widely spread. See the discussion about board size and how the rows should be placed.

    But also it seems that most of the users are willing to accept CK's concept of a smart controller that's totally different from other generic controllers.

    Let's hope they're bring it on soon, though I can work my KPA perfectly with my Behringer FCB in the meantime.

  • 1- in my experience they wear off and break: easier to substitute just the 1 piece instead of the all board.
    2- I would like to have a spring-loaded short-run for wha and a separate, large volume pedal (like EB). I'm quite sure it would be difficult to find 2 people here that want the same, hence let everybody choose what they want.

    I see the truth in 1, however I personally never had a broken expression pedal. So if the pedal gets included, it should be a pedal, which is build up as easy as possible, so that it does not break easily. Same is true for the switches, by the way, as both are mechanical and moving parts.

    Out of 2 I do not see a reason to include no expression panel, just to include only one and have a possibility to attach more. Because of 1 I wouldn't make it spring loaded. Else as I mentioned before you could make it "configurable" with some screws.

    Kemper Stage

  • But also it seems that most of the users are willing to accept CK's concept of a smart controller that's totally different from other generic controllers.

    I totally agree here! The best buying argument for a Kemper controller would be, that its functionality is smartly integrated into the KPA and matches perfectly to it.

    I read about LEDs which are of a color depending on the effect type toggled with a effect switch. However this was the only smart interfacing of KPA and controller I read about yet. Maybe I missed something?

    Nevertheless I could think of lots of special functions, where the foot controller would be smartly integrated:
    1. Rig copy: Press a "copy" button on the foot controller and afterwards a rig switch and your actual settings are copied from the KPA to the rig on this bank of the foot controller.
    2. Expression pedal assignement: Move the expression pedal and at the same time press a "assign" button to cycle through all controllers to which the exp pedal could be assigned.

    Kemper Stage

  • Keep the price reasonable, keep the controller as small as possible = no pedal/s.

    I actually don't care if I spend my money in a controller or in an external expression pedal... it is gone anyhow. If I can choose, I would prefer giving it to an innovative german company. :)

    And if you want an expression pedal anyhow (are there people who do not need any expression pedal?), the size of controller + external expression pedal will most probably be bigger than a controller with a build in expression pedal.

    But as there are no reactions from CK I fear you are right when you say, a controller without expression pedals is what's going to happen.

    Kemper Stage

  • Larger one, bank and tap knobs are slightly more convenient.
    I just hope it gets released soon, I'm controlling it with a TC novasystem at the moment, on which I only have 3 presets per bank available, and I can only switch between presets, and not turn any effects on or off with it. I'd go for a larger midi footcontroller, but since you guys are developing a controller specifically for the KPA, I guess I'll just hold my breath a little longer :)

  • Smaller Foot Controller please with no pedals as I already have 2 Mission Engineering pedals that I really really love! :thumbup:

  • Maybe just get the ethernet port functional and adapt the KPA to work with the MFC-101. It seems to be a good design and it would be great to get power, text on the LCD screen, expression pedals, switches and program changes all through the one ethernet/ethercon cable.

  • Need to change banks only occasionally, those 5 presets mostly enough at the time, and there is always need to have smaller pedalboards
    -so the smaller one :!: :thumbup:

    Quote myself :)

    Want to add: PLEASE the smaller added WITH two exp pedals! Stressing to have single exp pedals with cords on stage...connecting and all that mess..
    plus you have to buy those pedals..
    And: prg change buttons on first row as well as tap -button..