Work in progress - KPA TAG editor software -- EDIT : this is vaporware :)

  • hello !

    I'm working on a Tag editor for all of you, profilers. We all know how long and painfull is the tag editing part when profiling.

    I came across the idea of creating a bit of code for letting profilers edit their kipr files after the profiling process ( in order to let us spend more time doing the actual profiles instead of turning knobs endlessly :pinch: !!)

    It will also allow lazy profilers (like me !!) to edit a lot more tags when creating a new profile , letting the users sort on a specific tag when a librarian will be available. We need richer tags and good practises there.

    This program will be written in Python 2.7 ( Win / Mac / Linux compatible). It will allow user to load a profile , edit every tag I could find in .kipr files (see below ), then save it. I will probably add the possibilty to copy paste each or every tag from another profile with copy/paste options. I will surely relase it under GPL.

    Rig Author
    Rig Comment

    Amp Name
    Profiling Location
    Source Amp
    Amp Comment
    Amp Model
    Amp Channel
    PickUp Type
    Amp Buildyear

    Cabinet Name
    Profiling Location
    Source Cabinet
    Mic Type
    Cabinet Comment
    Mic Position
    Cabinet Configuration
    Cabinet Model

    This code is in it's early stages : so far, my code can just identify and read every tag in a single profile, I'm working on a GUI like the one below (I will use TKinker) for editing purposes.

    [Blocked Image:…itor_GUI_V2.JPG]

    I'll let you know about progress made , in this post and on on the blog below , I hope it won't turn into vaporware :D

    Here is a link to a short blog dedicated to the making of the editor :

    I'll be open to specific demands , but only when I'll reach alpha & beta stages.

    keep profiling !

    PS : THIS WON'T EVER be a librarian , since we don't have any driver yet to implement real time / sync communication between a pc and the KPA.

  • Like your work so far looks great!

    You say that a librarian is not possible, how about this. You perform a full backup of the KPA, load it into your app, the app allows you to browse and edit rigs, change settings and modify other info, import/export rigs etc. then gives you the option to export as a new backup file that you can restore into your KPA via USB? Just a thought....

    Could work?


  • Hi,

    It would work , but editing TAG is easy, identifying 'audio' parameters ( like gain, bass, pedals ) is a lot more difficult work ( maybe if we build a team dedicated to reverse engineering ;) )

    The librarian would really be useful in real time ( adjust a parameter , listen , store ) IMHO.

    We also need a perform mode , and directories for managing our profiles before even thinking about a librarian I guess !

  • I'm so impressed with the stuff a number of you do - the masses of profiles, the wiki, the tagging post i just read etc.

    Please keep in mind there are a number users who are not confident with IT and need the instructions to be simple and easy to follow.
    Happy to offer myself as such a guinea pig...

    :thumbup: Neil

  • What about the missing id's. Are these allways empty?
    Are the offsets fixed?
    When do you think will the alpha been ready?

    Hello again !

    Been working on the Gui , started coding the Tk part.

    The missing IDs do exist in kipr files, they are empty , looks like they are somewhat 'reserved' for a future use !!

    The offsets are not fixed ( adress is not constant, size is not constant) , that's why I had to search for Ids , headers & term.

    The alpha will be ready , but it will just be a "tag analyser" , no editing available ! I will need you for the tests.

    See you !

  • Hello !

    We are now 2 people working on the project, Philip will help coding parts of this tool.

    I have been working on the User interface, here is the result :

    [Blocked Image:]

    I know this is a bit ugly , we'll try to do some embellishments later , we need to have a functionnal tool before ...

    Next part will be connecting that Gui with a 'load profile' button and include the part of the code that do the actual tag display.

    We have a few fellows ready for testing , you can prepare your 'special rig files' for testing purpose :

    they must look like this :

    • a short rig name WITHOUT spaces or fancy characters (no @#! please ).
    • you'll have to fill EVERY TAG up to the limit (20 characters most of the time). Save it , export it on your computer.

    Thanks in advance for your help ;)


  • Thanks so much guys. I think you are totally on the right track. And let's get something useful first rather than pretty. I know we all have compromised on "pretty" in the past (ha ha like around 3am) so I don't see why that should hold us up now :). :thumbup:

  • Hello ,

    Yesterday, I did implement a load profile function , and I could test with 4-5 profiles from the rig exchange, and it looks like this ( bug with the date )

    [Blocked Image:]

    A few minor adjustments will be made ,and I will let you try an executable that I'll build later on.

    for testers :

    Please PM me with your personal email , I'll send you the program & instructions for testing.

    You won't be able to save anything, just load & edit, but it's a step closer to the Beta :)

    See ya,


  • Hello,

    We are testing the display of rigs from the community , I did polish the code a little bit.

    the award of tagging clearly goes to Mats, with every single tag filled :

    [Blocked Image:
    Are you cheating Mats ?? Do you use a special tool or did you just turn the knobs with so much dedication ??

    If the tests goes well, I'll implement edit functions and then a save button.

    Some of the fields won't be editable ( like Rig date ) in order to keep a 'signature' , this timestamp will be the only field that will allow us to easily compare two similar rigs.

    I also plan a 'Chuck Norris' edition of the editor in order to do some batch processing ( editing multiple rigs at once , in a single save) for stakhanovist profiling peoples that create rigs by the dozen.

    See you,


  • Hi,

    I now have some good feedback about the editor, so far no pbs, we tested dozens of profiles with correct display !!

    Tills did point the fact that a cab profile can't be loaded, we'll try to solve this ( load rig load / load cab button )

    Another users want direct .kipr file associations, and command line editing possibilities ,why not , but in the future !!

    We also have backup programmers & some other cool ideas & projects, but this is classified ;) . I'm impressed by the involment of some of you (some don't even own a kpa !!!! ) , you are great !!

    See you & nice WE