iPad Rig Manager Limitations

  • Hi,

    I've successfully installed the iPad app and it connected to my profiler. I was previously using a Windows laptop with Rig Manager to house a large library of rigs. Of course it's a minor issue for me but any long USB cords I've tried with that laptop don't work beyond several feet. When I saw the update for a wireless iPad version I was excited for the ability to use an iPad while also solving my USB cord length issue, but then I realized my large library is no longer accessible since those profiles were local to the Windows laptop.

    I'm not sure if anyone knows a way to extend the storage of the Profiler (USB hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) so that the iPad can pull from the entire collection? Maybe I can locally store rigs on my iPad but right now I'm really perplexed by what seems like extremely limited functionality in only being able to choose rigs by forward and backward buttons on the iPad version of rig Manager??? I was expecting to click on the menu icon next to the rig name and see a long list of all of the profiles on my Profiler and search capabilities like the non-iPad versions of the software. Instead I'm greeted with Rename Rig, Undo All Rig Changes and Clear All Morphs. By clicking on the actual rig name it also does nothing. Am I just missing where to find what I'm looking for?

    I also see no connection to the Rig Exchange. I do understand this is a Beta, so maybe added functionality is to come, but in current state its more of an editor for the current rig you are on and that it would make more sense to go back to trying to find rigs using the profilers knobs/buttons. I would love to have someone tell me that I'm doing something wrong, or that they are able to get more functionality than what I'm describing.

    Any comments on this are appreciated.

    Thank you,


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • It was easy to download and set up. Even though there are limitations in the beta version, it's still a significant upgrade. I have a Stage and it's nice to be able to do tone tweaks while standing on my iPad. I'm sure the actual non-beta release will have more features and flexibility. Rock on.

    Kemper Stage Profiler - Kemper Powered Kabinet - Mission Expression Pedal - PRS CU22 - Strats out the wazoo 8)

  • Thanks for the responses guys. I am happy/thankful that this has come to beta and will just hope for deeper functionality in the future.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • Did anybody successfully get it to connect via WiFi by NOT using access point mode, and use Home Network? If so, how did you do it? Actually I just read that the same OS had this fixed in B meaning the last character of the OS is a letter B (couldn't download it natively, had to have RigManager check for updates and auto update to get this OS... I installed it, and updated RM and the Profiler.. I'll play with the iOS app tomorrow and the networking.. Rock-on!..