Kemper Needs Two Effects Loops

  • I don’t know if they have plans to update the units anytime soon, but if they do, I think they need one mono send/return that can be mapped anywhere before the amp, and a second stereo input/output send/return that can be mapped anywhere post Amp.

    I’m not a fan of many of the Kemper effects, so for me to currently stay stereo, I go out of the Kemper L/R outputs into my stereo effects and then to my studio monitors. Problem is, I can’t record my stereo effects into Protools as the Kemper signal is fed from SPDIF.

    I know it’s better to add the effects post recording, but I would like the option. Plus it keeps everything stereo, making it able to Mix Kemper Stereo Effects and External Stereo effects.

  • Why don't put your pre-amp FXs before the Profiler guitar input? that way you won't need another loop. Also, why not send analog out from the post-amp pedals into the interface and record that to Protools? With a decent interface (and I would assume most of the interfaces supporting S/PDIF are), it shouldn't make any significant difference to sound quality vs. using a loop return and S/PDIF, as you'd have one step of A/D conversion after the FXs, in both cases. Plus, that way you could have at the same time, available for recording, analog stereo signal with all the FX, and mono signals for Stack and DI via S/PDIF.