Update Stomp Switches I - IV to also create Midi CC

  • I love the remote and it's ability to switch performances in the lower row and stomps in the upper row. And with any performance you can send PC changes via Midi on any channel - great. What's missing is controlling CC via a switch on the remote.

    Could you please add in the Stomp list an "External Midi CC Event", so that for example you can go to Stomp A, select this like any other effect and then assign a Midi Channel and a CC number (eg. Midi Channel 2 and CC 2 with value 0 and 127 (which equals on/off). Then you could assign that to one of the stomp footswitches on the remote and by that create an instant access to any external effect.

    Practical example: by pressing Stomp Button I on the remote trigger Stomp A and within that stomp send a CC message via Midi to an external device and switch it on and off.

    That should be a minor software change, but it would massively enhance the flexibility of the Kemper.

  • This would be a cool feature. I use a 3 loop pedal switcher. Being able to turn THOSE on and off at will would be great. Right now I have to set a slot in a performance to accomplish this.

    Not a big deal...but limiting in some respects.