Difference between Volume and Volume Boost

  • From page 99 of the 8.2 Main Manual:

    (bold added)


    ...it is always the MONITOR OUTPUT of the PROFILER that delivers the signal. The internal power amps of PowerHead and PowerRack models are internally connected to the MONITOR OUTPUT, too.

    This output provides enough headroom to support even the loud attacks and transients of clean guitars. However, this comfortable headroom will naturally lower the signal volume for the power amp, so you might not achieve the desired loudness. Turning up the "Power Amp Boost” will increase the volume loudness by up to 12 dB, in addition to the other volume controls in the signal flow, such as "Monitor Volume” or "Rig Volume”.

    The "Power Amp Boost” has no further impact on the sound or dynamics of the power amp.

  • yeah. doesn't make sense to me , to be honest.

    why isn't the boost always dimed and we have only one volume?

    why shouldn't i crank the power amp boost and keep it that way, so i only have to use the monitor volume?

    I can't think of any situation where i wouldn't want the maximum headroom of a power amp.

  • well to make it short:

    would it be ok for me to have the poweramp boost cranked forever and just use the Monitor Out Volume to adjust volume , if I always only use the Speaker out? or would that cause anything bad?

    Just set it on about 2-3 and forget it then. You'll never need more even if playing Madison Square Garden with the loudest drummer.

    I always looked at the power amp boost as another level of control separate from the unpowered monitor out. Kinda like a preamp for the power amp only.If you don't use the unpowered monitor outs. I'd set it low as you can get by with and forget it. I was told "default" was 3 somewhere but I cannot verify that.

    Edited once, last by Dynochrome (May 28, 2021 at 7:52 PM).