Noise Gate as parameter of the high gain pedals

  • I'd love it if a noise gait was a parameter in the high gain pedals like the Mouse, Muffin, Fuzz, etc.... Right now for example, when I stomp on a Mouse, I have it turn the noise gait on also. But it would be convenient if the noise gate was part of the Mouse settings (and could store it all as one preset, like how you have a compressor setting for the amps so we don't have to tie up a spot or kick on another compressor). thanks

  • the compression in the amp section is a completely different effect than the compressor pedal effect so it’s not really comparable.

    CK has said in another thread fairly recently that the high gain fx in the digital realm don’t add noise like their analog equivalents do therefore he doesn’t see a need for a noise gate in the fx. Think his advice was to make sure the input gate was set high enough to kill any pickup noise.

  • Thanks for the thoughts. Sorry, maybe I was not clear. Yes, analog causes noise that digital does not. Yet the Kemper is a digital device and has noise gates. So it is not a matter of whether a digital device like the Kemper should have nose gates. It already does. I am just suggesting WHERE they could exist for ease of workflow - totally my opinion of what would work for me - no offense to anyone who has a different opinion. I don't like increasing the noise gait globally on the input because to my ears, it kills the clean sounds. No need to go into a whole signal chain discussion and the fact that it is really compression causing raised noise floor starting with the analog pickups. I understand this - I think we all do. Cheers.

  • Maybe there should be a parameter in the amp section that kinda increase or decrease the setting of the input noise gate.

    So eg. a value of „1,5“ means that if input noise gate is set to 2 it will be 3.5 for that certain rig. If it is „-2“ the noise gate will be off. Not sure though if the Kemper can handle this rigwise...

    Maybe some people would be happy if one could still add „analog noise“ with negative values ?

  • Stefan, the Noise Gate on the input should kill noise before it hits the amp section so once set shouldn’t really need to be changed on a rig by rig basis like an analog gate would. However, it is still possible to set the input noise gate per rig if the Input Menu isn’t locked.

    Ahh, then I made a mistake. So maybe this feature then would be better within the stomps... I always use the same amount of noise gate in the input section and never use stomps. So was just trying to help.

  • I’m the same as you StefanErtle . I lock my input settings with a very low level of gate on all rigs and never use the gate stomps. The input gate is a very intelligent effect which is pretty subtle. N the other hand the gate stomps are a simple hard gate which is more of an effect for tightening up chugga chugga palm mutes than transparently killing noise,