Now the powered Kabinet is out it makes me want a mobile editor

  • Hi there,

    First thing - I'm purely a home player, so that's my perspective on this stuff. I just play for my own pleasure.

    The original reason that I chose the kemper versus any of the other options out there was that it has a load of knobs on the front. It's simple to use without a big learning curve. Howver, when the editor came out my use of it just went up enormously. I have the kemper on my desk connected to my computer all of the time and play at my desk using stereo monitors.

    Ever since the kabinet came out I've been thinking about getting one - because however enjoyable the monitors are it's great to hear the sound of a 'real' amp in the room.

    But then it gives me a problem because I don't want to sit at my desk with the kabinet next to me. I'd prefer to put the head on top of the kabinet somewhere that I can sit in front of it (my lounge) and just play. As soon as I do that I've lost all of the editing power that I've got so used to.

    First world problems right?

    Actually, I take it all back. I just had a play with sidecar on my mac. The editor works completely perfectly on my ipad using my apple pen. Wow!

    I think I can order a powered kemper and put it in the lounge area near my desk. Put the remote on the floor and then put the ipad on the coffee table and remote control the kemper that's on the desk. The cable will reach from the remote to the toaster.

    Edited once, last by Allenhuish (April 14, 2021 at 12:00 AM).

  • I have a Windows network at home and frequently use Remote Desktop. So, I can RD into the box running Rig Manager from a laptop connected wirelessly to the network.

    Still not as cool as the iPad, though! :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I have my monitors in front of me left and right, and have my kabinet behind me. I feel like I am on stage live when I practice that way. My wife and kids say the same. They want to stand right next to me when I jam.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Thanks schoko.

    That looks really interesting. I can use it two different ways.

    1. sit in the lounge with my speaker while the toaster stays connected to the laptop on my desk.

    2. put my toaster on top of the speaker and use a bluetooth midi adapter that I just got recently

    I had a quick look and although I'm pretty nerdy with computers it's going to take me a while to work it out though. My first bit of feedback is that you have to make the setup and install process much more obvious!

  • Yes an iPad editor has been on my wish list for some time now.

    I personally haven’t had my KPA hooked up to a computer for years and my eyesight has deteriorated to a point that I have to use a magnifying glass to edit on my lunchbox.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Hi Allenhuish , hmm, yeah. But you can't foresee someones midi configuration.

    (this can be determined in the server gui).

    The rest could be somehow automated.

    (-> a guided setup process where you choose your midi setup and directory would the best option)

    Thank you for the feedback, i am not sure which tool to use for this (it should work with linux, mac and windows). Need to do some research (electron...?)

  • Hi Allenhuish , hmm, yeah. But you can't foresee someones midi configuration.

    (this can be determined in the server gui).

    The rest could be somehow automated.

    (-> a guided setup process where you choose your midi setup and directory would the best option)

    Thank you for the feedback, i am not sure which tool to use for this (it should work with linux, mac and windows). Need to do some research (electron...?)

    I'm not even talking about the midi configuration. It will take me some time to work out the overall system model before I can use it. Just explaining that would be a good start. From my point of view I can read the documentation, but most users will not imho.

    I'm not sure what you mean about tools. My ideal app would reside on the ipad and talk directly to the toaster via my bluetooth midi adapters. The midi adapters work fine with the ipad (as you may know ios has bluetooth midi natively).

    There are a number of midi host apps on ios such as

    midi designer pro 2



    TB midi stuff

    Out of those I think midi designer pro 2 has the best reputation...and there must be others, but I have no idea of the pros and cons.

    Are you saying that it would be easy to port your code to one of these apps?

  • OSC is a server client system. I am not sure if the IPAD can run the Server(i don't have an IPAD), maybe you could give it a try? ;)

    So after the server is up and running you can access the Gui via a browser(you can see the published ip at startup, have to be on the same network) - that's it. For the first shot you can start the server without anything filled out, it is then just showing an empty window.

    I used lemur back in the days, and OSC is way better, porting will not be possible(it would mean a start from scratch).TouchOsc i think is not flexible enough...(it was more of a template mixer control, but not flexible enough back in the days)
