Dream Theater, Ozzy, Metallica, Pantera, Megadeth, Slayer... Kemper profiles with eq tone match

  • These guys were making great (& free) contributions to the community. Did Fractal buy them out? They were losing customers because of the excitement generated from their tone matches. Some of you tone entrepreneurs ought to jump in and cash in!

    I wouldn't be surprised. Cliff's recent posts reek of insecurity. The KPA is definitely a threat to them.

  • So help me figure out why most of the tone matches just seem very unsaturated compared to the youtube videos? My replacement Kemper arrived today, so I'm pretty new at figure out all the needed things to get great tones. Right now I'm using a single powered monitor speaker (have a 2nd one, but want to move things around first), using the left main out 1/4".

  • So help me figure out why most of the tone matches just seem very unsaturated compared to the youtube videos? My replacement Kemper arrived today, so I'm pretty new at figure out all the needed things to get great tones. Right now I'm using a single powered monitor speaker (have a 2nd one, but want to move things around first), using the left main out 1/4".

    To judge those tone matches, you really need to get the original guitar gero/rock band stems. In the mix the whole game changes. But i have to agree that most tones matches do not work a nicely when you just play for yourself. Remember that those tones also feature the tonal influence of the whole mastering chain.

  • I know this thread is probably WELL AND TRUELY PUT TO SLEEP and that I'm also like 6 months late to this forum
    but I still get TONNES of traffic to my main site every week from posts over here and its because you guys were awesome
    enough to share my vids and links and profiles around.

    So for that I am truly grateful !!

    I've never frequented the Kemper Community forums - Probably mostly because I sold my Kemper just weeks after
    getting it - but you guys seem like a pretty cool group from all the posts I've recently read.

    The reason I'm writing at all is to clear something up regarding this comment...

    "These guys were making great (& free) contributions to the community.
    Did Fractal buy them out? They were losing customers because of the excitement generated from
    their tone matches. Some of you tone entrepreneurs ought to jump in and cash in!"

    Now while I find it HUGELY flattering that anyone would believe a company as big as Fractal would even consider "buying out"
    somebody as small and irrelevant as me and Silent underground Studio the truth is I had sold the Kemper
    even before I had posted the last few Kemper Clone Tone videos. (vids were made but not posted at time of sale)

    I have never dealt with Cliff - and I paid FULL price for my AXE FX II *MYSELF* (including a MASSIVE import duty fee)
    ~ The Australian stockist Independent Music didn't have any units at the time I was ready to purchase ~

    Now, as a side note, because of my AXE FX videos Independent Music Australia has extended me an endorsement
    (of which I still make no money on content, but they do provide me with generous social network advertising) But that
    only happened BECAUSE I made the AXE videos - not as an enticement to make the videos.

    The only money I make from ANY of my videos is from Google Ads on Youtube videos -
    Which make up a whooping $7 a month.

    I'm really glad you guys actually liked the profiles I did for the Kemper ( 79 of them ) and I wish I could have afforded
    to keep the unit as well as The AXE FX even if only to continuing making profiles for anyone and everyone that was interested
    in them -

    But if I had to pick 1 unit at the end of the day... It would be the AXE FX II hands down and without a second thought.

    They didn't "BUY" me - They just earned another happy customer,

    Peace ~


  • Now, as a side note, because of my AXE FX videos Independent Music Australia has extended me an endorsement
    (of which I still make no money on content, but they do provide me with generous social network advertising) But that
    only happened BECAUSE I made the AXE videos - not as an enticement to make the videos.

    But if I had to pick 1 unit at the end of the day... It would be the AXE FX II hands down and without a second thought.

    Unfortunately the Kemper is gone and we are now currently working with Fractal Audio and the AXE FX II".

    You decided to make your first post here to tell us you chose the Axe-FX over the Kemper without a second thought. :D

    Funny stuff, mate. :thumbup:

    Have a Happy New Year!

    Edited 3 times, last by Guitartone (December 31, 2012 at 5:40 PM).

  • "Hey,
    Unfortunately the Kemper is gone and we are now currently working with Fractal Audio and the AXE FX II".

    You decided to make your first post here to tell us you chose the Axe-FX over the Kemper without a second thought. :D

    Funny stuff, mate. :thumbup:

    Have a Happy New Year!

    It's interesting to hear honest transparent first post personal oppinions from endorsed studios.
    I like that the Kemper both can do its unique profiling and also the traditional eq matching from recorded tracks.
    Like tylerhb said, the profiles used with Ozone creates more accurate eq matched profiles from tracks compared to the technique used by silenundergroundstudios.
    " but compared to using ozone the matching results are not as precise. I already wondered how he did the profiles, cause some profiles were pretty close and others were not so. Ozone´s match eq uses about 8000!!! bands which are so narrow that you can recreate even the finest nuances."

    Cool to see studio producer Andy Sneap using the Kemper on records, and now producer M.Wagener in this link. http://www.gearslutz.com/board/8569668-post58.html
    Most players/ studio people I know and on gear forums, including myself, that have played and compared the kemper vs Axe fx 2 prefer the sound, feel and ease of use of the kemper.
    I don't mind creating cool effect sounds and routings on the axe fx 2 though. They both have their use for different things for me.

  • Daniel, thanks for the explanation. The comment you are talking about, which was mine, was only half serious. You really did cause some AXE users to jump ship to Kemper though!
    I would be curious to hear why you prefer AXE over Kemper.
    Thanks for the great profiles, nonetheless, and good luck with your AXE!

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Daniel, thanks for the explanation. The comment you are talking about, which was mine, was only half serious. You really did cause some AXE users to jump ship to Kemper though!
    I would be curious to hear why you prefer AXE over Kemper.
    Thanks for the great profiles, nonetheless, and good luck with your AXE!

    Funny you should say that. It was in fact the SilentUnderground youtube videos that finally pushed me over the edge and made me buy the Kemper. I was considering it for awhile but when I heard those clips of some of my fav bands sounds it was enough to seal the deal so I bought a KPA.

    I was also a 'former' Axe FxII owner. I liked it and it was definitely a great unit but after alot of directly comparing it to the Kemper, the Kemper won me over with its ease of use and authentic amp sound and feel. I found tones on the KPA almost immediately that I struggled to find on my Axe. There are so many high quality profiles available now that you dont really need to ever worry about finding a great tone. Kemper is the single best piece of gear I have ever owned.

    I look forward to its evolution!

  • Hey guys,

    I really hope that post didn't come across as some sort of Kemper Hate mail.
    Because that was most definitely NOT the intention!!

    I was just trying to clear up any thoughts that Fractal may have "bought" my support.
    I would hate to think anybody thought less of that company based on some unrelated choices I had made.

    Another point to make is that I also DIDN'T sell the Kemper to buy an AXE FX.
    There was a good 3 or 4 months between the sale of the Kemper and the buying of the AXE FX II and I had actually intended to purchase a Rocktron Prophesy II with the sale money. In reality though, most of that went to the purchase of about 20x Distortion pedals for a new series of video.

    You have to understand that I don't even usually have the intention of keeping any of these units.
    I literally - buy them, demo them, make some free presets and then sell the unit and move onto the next one.

    Silent Underground isn't popular enough at this point to be sent anything for free to demo so I have to dip into the pocket and buy the stuff myself usually taking a fat loss on sale in an effort to provide my viewers with some sort of free content to download and use.

    In a perfect world I would keep everything I demo - but running a studio ain't the cheapest endeavor nor the most secure occupation on the the planet, so the money has to get reinvested.

    On a side note...

    The reason I used the Hardware 31 band eqs for my tone match profiles instead of Ozone is that I found the small latency delay of using Ozone (which I've used for years) completely destroyed the attack of the profiles.

    Also, because all of the "tone" is kept in the cabinet model the intention was for the user to save my tone match cabinets off from the actual profiles and combine them with their choice of amp profile to achieve the tone matched sound with the best amp profile to suit the individual players needs.

    An example would be to download or create a HiGained MESA MK IV profile and add one of the cabinets from my Lamb Of God profiles for the perfect "LOG" amp experience.

    I still get ALOT of people contacting me to say (for example) " Umm, this profile doesn't feel like a Mark IV - and thats what Lamb Of God use" ... Well obviously !!! - I used a flubby feeling, fuzzy sounding Orange Rockerveb to make the damn profile!??! 8|

  • Daniel...

    One things for sure, you're one hell of a guitar player, that's the most impressive part of your videos, brilliant guitar playing skill.

    But, it wasn't very tactful or smart to say, on the Kemper forum, "But if I had to pick 1 unit at the end of the day... It would be the AXE FX II hands down and without a second thought."
    It would have been 'smarter' to leave out the words, "hands down and without a second thought". :D

    Something else that puzzles me.
    You said the Aussie Fractal distributor didn't have Axe-FX units in stock so you bought direct from Fractal.
    How come Fractal couldn't send the Aussie distributor the same unit they were able to sell you direct? :?:
    What's the point of having a distributor in a foreign country if you sell direct to the customer?...Kemper would never do that.

  • Daniel...

    One things for sure, you're one hell of a guitar player, that's the most impressive part of your videos, brilliant guitar playing skill.

    But, it wasn't very tactful or smart to say, on the Kemper forum, "But if I had to pick 1 unit at the end of the day... It would be the AXE FX II hands down and without a second thought."
    It would have been 'smarter' to leave out the words, "hands down and without a second thought". :D

    Something else that puzzles me.
    You said the Aussie Fractal distributor didn't have Axe-FX units in stock so you bought direct from Fractal.
    How come Fractal couldn't send the Aussie distributor the same unit they were able to sell you direct? :?:
    What's the point of having a distributor in a foreign country if you sell direct to the customer?...Kemper would never do that.

    Well thank you for the compliment regarding my playing - I do alright for a drummer. :)

    Fractal wouldn't sell me one direct. I had to use a 2nd party freight forwarding company with a US address to actually purchase one from the States. As far as Fractal knew they were sending my unit to a warehouse in California.
    They require anybody to purchase the unit from their own countries suppliers and unfortunately Australia just isn't allocated a lot of stock.

    When I got the Kemper I got one from the first 10 brought into the country and every one of that first lot was sold even before the shipment had landed. After that it took almost 2 months before I started seeing them advertised around here again and even then that was from those shonky unauthorized warehouse sellers, that buy direct from overseas and resell lowballing costs that any australian authorized dealer could afford or is allowed to match.

    And as far as my comment in regards of my choice of unit... It may not have read nice, and it certainly didn't make a good first impression, but its the truth man. The Kemper just didnt have that inspiring "MOJO" for me...