Slow performance changing slots in performance mode, crashing Profiler remote and Rig Manager

  • Hi

    I've been having sluggish performance on my Kemper especially on Performance mode. Changing performances and slots are painfully slow. Also my Profiler remote keeps crashing(shutting off and restarting) Also when using Rig Manager freezes my Kemper Profiler and crashing Rig Manager. It's been happening for some time(in prior firmware and Rig Manager versions ) but never addressed it because I was using the Kemper for practicing. Now that I joined a band is crucial to be able to fix this problem. I have the latest firmware 8.0.6 and latest Rig Manager version 3.0.145. I'm using Mac OS X 10.12.6. I have about 750 profiles currently in the Kemper and last time I had a slow response issue(not the crashing)I was told that I have too many Profiles so I got rid of them to the current number of Profiles. I need to fix this because my current band requires fast changes between guitar tones. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Hey Brother George; I hope you're OK, ol' bud. <3

    It might be an idea to remove all the Rigs not being used in your band Performances and see how you go. At 750 you're still a bit too-close-to-the-limit for comfort I reckon.

    Sure, the number may be fine under most circumstances, but if you have a decent number IR's / Cabs in your unit as well the combination may be chewing up more RAM than the Rig number alone might suggest.


    Thank you, Hans.

  • Thanks for your replay. I hope you’re doing great as well. I don’t think it’s the performances because I deleted 35 of them. And probably have over 40 left. I’ll try to delete more profiles and save them. The profiler remote has been restarting when I’m tweaking my performances or just switching between Performances. It happens at least twice a day when I’m practicing at home. It’s been a problem for a few years, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it since I wasn’t playing live when it started failing.

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • the number of performances has no influence on the time it takes to switch between them and since the Profiler always has 125 performances you cannot delete any of them but only replace them with other performances like the default one.

    As long as the Profiler is connected to the Rig Manager you are in edit mode which means that a slot is copied into the clipboard to preserve any unsaved changes resulting in a slower switching time. As soon as you disconnect the Profiler from the computer switching between slots is almost instant (20-30 ms). Switching between performances takes longer because the Profiler will preload all 5 slots in the performance.

    If you experience a longer switching time between slots while the Profiler is not connected to a computer running the Rig Manager please open a support ticket on our website.

  • Thanks for your response,

    I am experiencing slow changes between performance slots.It seems like the Profiler remote shuts off and re starts when I'm editing slots directly in the Kemper profiler. It's done other times when going up and down to switch between performance. I will open a support ticket.

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Rig manager crashes when I use the Profiler remote with the Kemper. But it's been slow with out Rig Manager. I got an email from Kemper to check my ethernet cable and connect a shorter one. I might be a bad ethernet cable. I just have to find one which I probably have.

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80