A dozen 1970 Marshall 100 watt Super Lead profiles

  • Absolutely mindblowing Marshall sound in this profiles. I like the mellower ones best (7 and 12). Get a Les Paul and there is serious ZZ Top sound to be had. I was able to nail the sound of the "brown sugar" intro - sound only, not the playing of course ;) That sound is a benchmark for both a good Les Paul and a good Marshall. I was never able to nail that sound with everything else but a vintage metal panel Marshall and even not with every one of them, many lack the bite you need for the sound. Your Marshall has that and the Kemper is the first digital device I have heard that is able to capture all the nuances.

    Once again I'm in amp heaven, thanks again for that. Will donate you something as we speak.

    May I ask what speakers are in there? G12M25 or G12H30s?

    Edited once, last by Garrincha (June 28, 2012 at 6:01 PM).

  • Now that's odd, to me 1to 6 seem to be the mellow ones ?(

    Hm, I saved them under different names so I might be mixing things up and being 44 I'm probably deaf already ;) But I'm pretty positive about #12. Will have to check that. 12 is the one with the mic farest away from both the grill and the center so it should be the least fizzy one.

  • Hm, I saved them under different names so I might be mixing things up and being 44 I'm probably deaf already ;) But I'm pretty positive about #12. Will have to check that. 12 is the one with the mic farest away from both the grill and the center so it should be the least fizzy one.

    Hahaha :)
    Well 48 here, so apart from being deaf, I hear blindness knocking on my door :D

  • Thanks for your support everyone and I'm glad you're digging the '70. I didn't change the settings at all on the amp for the different profiles - had the channels jumpered and gain at about 7 or so on each channel. Bass and mids cranked, treble at half and presence at half. It's amazing how much of a difference mic placement makes. I am also going to do some with the SM57 angled, and the ribbon mic I have, possibly my e609 Silver, etc.

    Speaker cab is a bone stock 1972, I had the cab open once to make sure the speakers were stock and original. Jim at Scumback was nice enough to look at the pics I took and tell me about the speakers - I only remember they had pulsonic cones, I'll have to look up what they were because I'd hate to take the back off again.

    I still have a few other vintage Marshalls to profile further - a '72 100 watt that actually has a touch more gain than the '70, and a '74 that has a lot more rounded tone - it's 'creamy' sounding when it's cranked. The 100 watt amps just get meaner sounding. This is what I LOVE about the Kemper - you can take an amp that only does one trick, even if it's a great trick - and profile it, and then just change over to another amp when you need a different tone/trick. The 74 wouldn't be good for rhythm, but for leads it kills.

    Next set of profiles I should have up in a few days or hopefully sooner is 18 profiles taken off my Fortin modded Marshall. It's modern marshall goodness... profiles include some with a bogner 4x12, some with a mesa oversize armored 4x12 cab, and I ran all six different channels (crunch and lead, from green to yellow to red settings) and then different gain settings of each amp. The Fortin profile I put up already was one of these, but I did take 17 more. :)


  • Best KPA profiles so far!!! Can't wait for the others, PayPal will be with you shortly.

    I recorded a track this evening which I will share once it's uploaded, all guitars (even clean) were recorded with a single profile from this pack I just tweaked gain, EQ and added the Tube Screamer get get different tones. These are the best recorded guitar tones that I have ever personally done.

    Thanks sooo much for your work on these!


  • Here is the track, all tracks were played by my old band mate, he wrote the song for his mum who serves the biggest dinner portions ever :) It's all a bit of fun but it was a pleasure to record with this profile.

    Pam Portions

    Let me know what you think and remember the guitars were done with a single profile from this pack, pretty cool!


  • Here is the track, all tracks were played by my old band mate, he wrote the song for his mum who serves the biggest dinner portions ever :) It's all a bit of fun but it was a pleasure to record with this profile.

    Pam Portions

    Let me know what you think and remember the guitars were done with a single profile from this pack, pretty cool!


    Freakin loved it !! Serious early Zappa vibe goin on there. Guitar tones are stellar, and the stereo separation in the beginning is great.

    and yes, amazing what you can get out of one profile.
    Thanks for sharing this, and thanks to okstrat, for the profile.
    Next stop, PayPal :thumbup:

  • Very cool! Arrangement of guitars was really nice too, loved how each complimented the other. If it's ok I'd like to put a link to this on my page.


    Here is the track, all tracks were played by my old band mate, he wrote the song for his mum who serves the biggest dinner portions ever :) It's all a bit of fun but it was a pleasure to record with this profile.

    Pam Portions

    Let me know what you think and remember the guitars were done with a single profile from this pack, pretty cool!


  • Outstanding..I like the originality.

    Here is the track, all tracks were played by my old band mate, he wrote the song for his mum who serves the biggest dinner portions ever :) It's all a bit of fun but it was a pleasure to record with this profile.

    Pam Portions

    Let me know what you think and remember the guitars were done with a single profile from this pack, pretty cool!


  • I got the day off work and spent most of it completing a full cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Simple Man using okstrat's Marshall Super Lead profiles. I just used #7 and #12 for all guitars, of course with gain and EQ adjustments. I added a little post compression and reverb and that is about it. These profiles seriously inspire me, maybe a little too much. I think my wife may be planning a Kemper-napping with all the time I spend with it. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy. Please leave some comments, good or bad. I take criticism well.

    Simple Man Full Cover

  • I got the day off work and spent most of it completing a full cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Simple Man using okstrat's Marshall Super Lead profiles. I just used #7 and #12 for all guitars, of course with gain and EQ adjustments. I added a little post compression and reverb and that is about it. These profiles seriously inspire me, maybe a little too much. I think my wife may be planning a Kemper-napping with all the time I spend with it. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy. Please leave some comments, good or bad. I take criticism well.

    Simple Man Full Cover

    Sounds great man! Nice playing too.


  • You have profiled some great amps.
    I totally dig that Mesa Maverick.

    Just made a small test, profile: 3 Maverick ART MP,
    but the cabinet is a mesa OS from one of my own profiles miced with an SM57.
    I Also enabled the green scream.

    The bass tone comes from a microtubes b7k profile I found, really nice too.
    You can find it in rig exchange: Microtubes B7K 04 profiled by r.u.sirius

    Thank you for sharing!