Tips & Tricks for the KPA (wiKPA) - For those who want to get to know their KPA far above what's in the manuals :)

  • Tonight the wikpaList has reached its 100Th subscriber!
    (Where is the birthday cake icon when one needs it?!)

    The document is getting some identity on its own at this stage, and very important news is coming soon. Stay tuned! ;)

    To subscribe, please don't post your address here but follow the instructions in the OP, thanks!

  • Hey all,

    wiKPA 2012 08 05 has been sent to the subscribers today.

    Biggest news is, that Burkhard from the Kemper team has personally reviewed its contents :thumbup:

    For further details and subscribing procedure, please see the OP.

    Happy to see that the wiKPAList is steadily growing (130+ at the moment) :)

    I'm about to leave for my holidays. Please, consider that – even tho I'll be able to log in at times – I won't be able to send the wiKPA to new subscribers while I'm away.
    You might also encounter some difficulties in trying and contact me during the next month. I'll try to keep my PMbox as empty as possible; should you find it full, I'm afraid there's no other solution than waiting for me to have the opportunity to clean it again.

    All my best, and keep it rocking guys!


    Edited once, last by viabcroce (August 5, 2012 at 6:25 PM).

  • ^^

    so have you already had your holidays?

    BTW, I share your thoughts about Rome :thumbup:

    Yeah, this summer's holidays are over unfortunately.
    Rome is great and I'll be back for a short visit soon.
    Ma e troppo caldo, for a North German guy like me... :)

  • @DocLine6: My girlfriend is from Freiburg and she LOVES warm weather! ;)

    Zappledan: LOL This is something I'd do anyway, and I've done in the past before buying complex and demanding tools. I've started something like this for the Axe-Fx before changing my mind for a number of reasons. Still have lots of pastes&personal notes about the Axe on my PC.
    Before buying the KPA I want to wait and see what the future reserves it: amp'ed version, rack format, integration with the MIDI pedalboard...
    I'm not gigging at the moment except for some friendly jam, so my M\B LSS is more than enough for me. Isn't tone everything? :D

    All: thanks for your kind words dudes!

  • Hey all!
    Just connecting from my holiday places :)
    I"ll be able to manage back the wiKPAList when I"m home, so I ask those lining up for being enlisted to be patient a bit longer :) Should be back within a fortnight.

    Another reason why I"m writing this is to let you all know that there"s already a spammer from this forum using the email address I"ve given you for subscribing.
    I"ve received an email from any Lorcan Ward (name is of course fictious), the used sender address is drawnacrolmusic (at) yahoo . co . uk.
    It"s one of us guys, the genius put all his/her addresses in the "c/c" field, and some belonged to members of this forum and to "well known" music stores.

    I"m hoping to contribute to have him/her cut a bad figure with this post.
    Also hope this doesn"t loose a fall of spam, because that address of mine would quickly become unuseable.

    As for me, I"m missing playing guitar... X)

    ... See you all!

  • Just got my KPA and finally started reading the WiKPAi. Fantastic document! If I understand correctly, this document is current up through release 1.1.0. Is that right? If so, what is the best way to understand the changes in 1.1.1? I just want to make sure I don't learn something in the WiKPAi that was changed somehow in 1.1.1.

  • Just got my KPA and finally started reading the WiKPAi. Fantastic document! If I understand correctly, this document is current up through release 1.1.0. Is that right? If so, what is the best way to understand the changes in 1.1.1? I just want to make sure I don't learn something in the WiKPAi that was changed somehow in 1.1.1.

    Hi Stompman,
    Thanks for your nice words and your appreciation.

    The last wiKPA version has been revised by Burkhard from Kemper, so it should theoretically be up-to-date. But I can't of course give any guarranty under this respect.

    This is one of the reasons why I've from the very beginning asked support from any estimeed member of this board! If we work together we can really make a useful informational tool out of this doc, while the real wiki is still at the planning stage.

    Anyway, I do my best to ensure the best possible services to all fellow users X)


  • Hello, would love to get the wiki document, have sent a couple of PM's, I know you have been busy, appreciate you sending it when you can, thanks. Not posting my e-mail here due to your scammer comment.

  • Thank you, PMing me is OK!

    I'm currently far from home, so I'll manage the new subscriptions ASA I'm back home.

    Please be patient, ASA you don't receive an "email box full" warning from the site your request is queued, and will be managed when I'm back (should happen within a fortnight) :)