New 3.1.57 beta rig manager

  • Hi everyone,
    sorry for all the trouble. Unfortunately, we haven't encountered these update problems on our own Windows machines, but we have identified a potential issue with the driver update. It might fix both the installer rolling back and the Profiler not being recognized after reboot problems. If you want to try it out, please download it from here:…64-bit.msi?dl=0
    If you need a 32 Bit Windows installer, please let me know.
    Looking forward to hear from you!
    Best regards,


    This time it asked if I want to install the new device/driver. I said yes but then it rolled back again.

  • I see you had opened a ticket. Could you provide us with the following files?
    Documents\Kemper Amps\RigManager\InstallationLog.txt


    Without those, we can't find out why exactly your installer is rolling back.

    You are right!! I'll send you immediately, I just missed your response in the plaetora of mails... thank you!

  • I have installed the 3.1.59 with the profiler running. The installation worked, it recognized the profiler than performed updates of the rigs, presets and performances for 40 minutes!

    Restarting the Rig Manager brings out a fatal error and the Rig Manager does not start anymore. Tried it twice same error, see attachment.

    Uninstalled the 3.1.59 using the Kemper driver removal tool and control panel to uninstall Rig Manager, then reinstalled 3.0.45.

    Even this one hasn't recognized the profiler, the trick here was to go to the driver manager under other devices, and with a right click on the Profiler device choose update driver. Afterwards everything worked as usual with the 3.0.45.

    The Debuglog has 2 MB, I have compressed it witz 7zip and renamed the file txt to allow uploading it.

    Hope this helps the developers to identify the problem.

    I think I will try again and apply the trick with the device manager even with the 3.1.59 version and hope that it solves the problem. I'll have to spend another hour for this.

  • Dave, Lokasenna and everyone else who hasn't done so yet, would you please open a support ticket? If the problem is that the Profiler is not recognized after the 3.1 update, we need the following files to find out what went wrong:
    Documents\Kemper Amps\RigManager\DebugLog.txt

    Documents\Kemper Amps\RigManager\InstallationLog.txt
    Sorry again for the trouble.

  • Dear Cantemir,
    there is a problem with the new Rig Manager that shows up only on a few Windows installations, and yours is one of them. The trick with the device manager won't help. If you like, try out this update:…64-bit.msi?dl=0

    Thanks for your patience and best regards,


  • @ Arne

    I tried installing this latest (60) build over whatever was installed - probably beta 59. I am on Win 8.1 and device manager still reports no driver is installed for the Kemper Profiler.

    Is there a specific procedure that you have in mind for getting this to install the driver on a machine where there is no driver installed?

  • Arne Last tests:

    he 3.1.60 installation has finished and the Rig Manager is reactive as it has finished syncing the rigs presets and performances. On my Kemper I still have the message "Syncing Performance 55 of 125" and it was stucked there. No Sysncing message in Windows anyhow.

    After a while I switched the kemper off and restarted it. It was not recognized by the Rig Manager.

    I closed and restarted Rig Manager and got the same error mesage as before, "Rig Manager will quit now due to software conditikon that can not be recovered."

    I then restarted my PC and Rig Manager started again with no problem and has recognized the Kemper and finished the Performances sync.

    After that:

    1.Close-restart Rig Manager with a running Kemper - Kemper not recognized.

    2.Leave Rig Manager running and stop - Restart the Kemper - Rig manager does not see it.

    3. On the third try, Close-restart Rig Manager - a messages pops up saying that "Rig Manager needs to be updated".

    4. Next Try ( close - restart Rig Manager comes with the error above:"Rig Manager will quit due to ...'

    5. Next time Rig Manager starts but still does not see my Kemper. The wheel that usually pops up when it is syncing with the Kemper comes but for a very short period of time.

    So on my PC I still have problems.

    Edited once, last by cantemir (April 1, 2021 at 4:03 PM).

  • @ Arne

    I tried installing this latest (60) build over whatever was installed - probably beta 59. I am on Win 8.1 and device manager still reports no driver is installed for the Kemper Profiler.

    Is there a specific procedure that you have in mind for getting this to install the driver on a machine where there is no driver installed?

    Of course it is supposed to work out of the box after installing Rig Manager, no matter if there was a different driver installed before or not. Anyway, we have identified 4 different problems when updating to 3.1, and the update to 3.1.60 was supposed to fix three of them. To find out what your problem is I need some log files. Did you already open a support ticket?

  • Sorry to hear this, I was quite sure that the update would fix it for you. Could you please send the latest DebugLog.txt again?

  • Success!

    Just installed 3.1.60 over top of 3.0.145 while the Kemper was on. The new install found the Kemper immediately and started to sync.

    Sync only took 3 mins or so. Then exit and restarted RM and it worked immediately.

    Then turned off Kemper and restarted RM. Then started Kemper and already running RM immediately found Kemper.

    All working as expected so far. Now to try some of the features.

    Awesome, thanks!:)



  • Thanks for your hard work and dedication Arne. Appreciate it (even if my system worked right away)

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Dave,

    can you please tell me, if you want, how many rigs and performances do you keep on your kemper ?

    I have 640 rigs and 66 not empty performances and it takes 40 minutes to sync.

    Maybe it's time to clean up my profiler and reduce the number of rigs. :)

  • Dave,

    can you please tell me, if you want, how many rigs and performances do you keep on your kemper ?

    I have 640 rigs and 66 not empty performances and it takes 40 minutes to sync.

    Maybe it's time to clean up my profiler and reduce the number of rigs. :)

    You bet!

    287 Rigs

    327 Presets

    31 Performances used

    Hope that helps.

  • Of course it is supposed to work out of the box after installing Rig Manager, no matter if there was a different driver installed before or not. Anyway, we have identified 4 different problems when updating to 3.1, and the update to 3.1.60 was supposed to fix three of them. To find out what your problem is I need some log files. Did you already open a support ticket?

    Hi Arne,

    I have a ticket going ( ##KA00207108) from a week or so back so I have added the requested files there just now with reference to you and this request.

