• ?( well if I remove the reverb for example that kind of volume swell is attenuated.
    Now I have tried many effects on rigs and with the wha set as bypass @ stop and the difference is really noticeable with my small midi pedal board (Peak FCB8N)

  • Hey guys new Kemper user here. I'm one step away from getting rid of my Kemper (power rack version) because of latency when changing 'channels'.

    I switch rigs with a Ground Control Pro (GCP into Kemper into Mesa 4x12) and it bugs the sh*t out of me that I have to step on it right before the beat ends just to stay in time. An example would be going from a clean channel in the verse to a distorted chorus.

    The constant latency button is of course turned off. I just updated to the latest firmware - the amp got faster but still doesn't satisfy me.

    I never had this problem with my current setup: 6505 - gcx audio switcher that controls all the pedals - ground control pro, since everything is analog (I'm blaming it on the analog vs digital issue) and I am not willing to learn to anticipate when I have to hit the buttons before the beat ends.

    There is also a video of Ken Susi (Unearth) where he sets up his Kemper to change rigs via laptop where you see that he sets the program changes right before the new beat starts (on a digital time line since they play with a click track live).

    Right now I am very disappointed. Any experience and/or help?

  • I think your best bet would be to contact support about this one. Send them a backup but remember I think a lot of the kemper team are at NAMM so they might not be as quick at responding as usual

  • I have a GCP as well and for the life of me I can not get the GCP to switch the right rigs. When in 4 preset mode, I assign button one to a clean rig. Say, number 8. On that clean rig, I have gone into the Mdid Assign page under "System" and assigned it ton 8 as well. For some reason when I hit button 1 on the GCP, it still doesn't recall the right patch.

  • Same here, I get noises and delays all the time with both Kemper's I've owned, figured it was the price to pay for such great sounds. Even switching between clones of the same rig with just a few stomp changes can make all kinds of crazy things happen. Glad to hear they're working on it for us.

  • The simplest midi switcher possible here (it's actually a pedal switching system) and the more I work with it, the more I like it. No latency on rig switch. I might not even get a Remote, because I like the idea of being able to add pedals to the Kemper, not really looking for dirts, but delays and reverbs and other FX. Plus, the Remote just strikes me as an expensive controller that I would rather not have to worry about along with the already expensive Kemper.

    If 3.0 is an improvement, I'm all for it. I could use faster switching than almost nothing already. Bring it on!

  • Hello,

    I have the same issue here...
    I have a Liquid foot 12+ and when i switch from rig to another in "Perform" mode (because it is quickier), the lag is big ! It's difficult to go to a clean sound to a dist one "in time"...
    Switching between stomps in the same rig is ok, immediate ! But swhithing between rig is a nightmare...

    Is it normal than switching rigs in a performance with buttons directly on the KPA is quickier than switching vie midifoot controller ?

    DO you know is there are tips to enhance this ? and if the improvment in the 3.0 firmaware will be available without the use of the Kemper remote ?

    And is it the same with other hardware ? Like AxeFX or LIne 6 or whatever ????

    Thanks for your help !

  • You should check whether your pedalboard is sending more than one command at a time... this would slow things down.
    Such issues have been verified in the past already. There are free computer apps that can read what MIDI messages the pedalboard is outputting. It is worth a check IMO.


  • ok, but im sure i send only on the channel 1 and just a simple program change....
    DI you have so example of utilities ?

    Here is what i have when i call for a preset :
    0010 CC# : MIDI Chan: KEMPER CC#: Bank VALUE : 000
    0011 CC# : MIDI Chan: KEMPER CC#: 032 VALUE : 000 (OFF)
    0012 Program Change: MIDI Chan: KEMPER Program #: 000

    But i don't know what is cc#32...