Where do I start to learn how to program my Stage?

  • I've had this thing for almost 8 months and I know just as much about it now as I did when I got it. I am PLAYING it a lot and have tons of profiles, but I don't wanna program it. Most units like an old Roland GP-8, my favorite, or Line 6 POD, come programmed right outta the box. All I want to do program my profiles so I can switch them with my foot while I am playing. Is there a video I can watch? All I want to do is program a profile on each number... 1 2 3 4 5 and then bank up or down and have a new set of 5 profiles where 1 2 3 4 5 are. Just like the old Roland GP-8 footsitch from like...the 80s. Surely the Kemper can do this? I'm wondering because I bought a new "Rebox" that someone had erased if I missed some obvious stuff.

  • Hi bobbyodell,

    You are describing Performances. They're easy.

    Start here. Although the video is done with a Profiler, the principles and steps are the same on the Stage.

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    And you can read more in the ? Kemper Main Manual 7.5 English

    And you may as well check out

    ? Kemper Stage Quick Start

    ?Kemper Manual 8.0 Addendum

    ?Rig Manager 3.0 Documentation

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (March 4, 2021 at 4:44 AM).

  • Here are more details as addendum to what ST already wrote:

    Kemper Main Manual 7.5, page248:

    Setting up Performances

    You can navigate through the 125 Performances using the up and down buttons of the RIG navigation cross on the

    front panel of PROFILER Head, PowerHead, Rack and PowerRack. Use the left and right buttons or the <PAGE>

    buttons to select a Slot within a Performance.

    On the PROFILER Stage, use the TYPE knob or the Up/Down Buttons to navigate through the Performances and

    the <PAGE> buttons or the Rig Buttons to select one of the five Slots.

    By default, all Slots are pre-loaded with a default Rig, which happens to be based on the ancient Rig “CK 0”. The

    Performance itself has a default name. Once you have selected the Slot, choose the Rig you want to assign to it via

    BROWSE. The Rig will be copied and displayed in the highlighted Slot. At this point, we should mention that any

    edits will be lost if you select another Performance without storing it first.......

  • thank you for those things! I think the performances were erased by the guy who sent the unit back. That’s prob where my issue begins. Ok...I’ll get started! Thanks again.

    Hi, bobbyodell.

    Please follow this link so you can download and install the Performances that might have been erased. Kemper Stage Factory Content - Performances (Download Here)