Profiler Stage - Poti Sensitivity (4 Potis below Display)

  • Hey,

    i´m just wondering if i am the only person who really struggles with the sensitivity of the 4 potis below the display on the profiler stage?

    e.g: Have you ever tried to set a certain delay time or mix of an effect? Sticking to that delay time it feels like (from really low motion to cranking that poti):
    -> nothing - nothing - nothing - to less - + 400 ms!

    This is really annoying and shouldnt be a problem to fix it? Just get an expo-curve on that potis.

    Hard to discribe - my english is not the best. But i guess you will get my point (?)

  • I believe there is a request to adjust the sensitivity for future OS updates. I don't have a problem setting exact degrees but I do sometime go over or under the amount on the first or second try. Trying to set an exact degree using a mouse pointer on the Rig Manager dials is a whole other story though... Geez!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Trying to set an exact degree using a mouse pointer on the Rig Manager dials is a whole other story though... Geez!

    Agree that using a mouse for setting delay etc can be a pain but don't forget that holding shift puts RM into fine tuning mode to make those small adjustments super easy.

    It would be nice to have a similar fine tune option on the hardware UI too though.

  • Thank you.
    I totally agree. Best option would be an "exponential curve" - i guess.
    You know that good old ipod click wheels when brosing your music libary? -> low and slow is one track after another - cranking that wheel gave you 10 - 50 - 100 steps.

    I believe there is a request to adjust the sensitivity for future OS updates.

    -> Sounds good to me :)

  • Thank you.
    I totally agree. Best option would be an "exponential curve" - i guess.
    You know that good old ipod click wheels when brosing your music libary? -> low and slow is one track after another - cranking that wheel gave you 10 - 50 - 100 steps.

    -> Sounds good to me :)

    Hm I think this is exactly what we don't need. I need to test but it feels like there is acceleration already.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Or just decrease the sensitivity...

    I just think it’s really uncomfortable to dial in certain values.
    i have this Problem mostly with the delay time since I’m changing this value quiet a lot.
    and I hate the rig manager (so this is no option for me).
    nothing game breaking but it‘s annoying (to me).

  • Or just decrease the sensitivity...

    I just think it’s really uncomfortable to dial in certain values.
    i have this Problem mostly with the delay time since I’m changing this value quiet a lot.
    and I hate the rig manager (so this is no option for me).
    nothing game breaking but it‘s annoying (to me).

    Totally agree. It is actually uncomfortable, which is saying something :). Planning on recording some videos for support when I find time.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • there is acceleration already but I think it could be better calibrated to make fine tuning easier. Regardless pf any calibration I believe a specific button click to enter fine tune mode like RM would be a nice addition.

    Yeah it sure feels like it. My point was I'd rather not have anything acceleration at all. Don't mind turning a knob a few times to get from -5 to 5 if that is what it takes.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

    Edited once, last by musicmad (February 21, 2021 at 9:59 PM).

  • Just did a quick test:

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    0-22 seconds (or so). Trying to see how the acceleration works. Seems rather unpredictable.

    22-44 seconds (or so). Trying to hit <0.0> with relatively small movements. It keeps skipping <0.0> all together (only shows it once - I pass 0 numerous times) going from -0.2 to 0.3 etc. directly. Very frustrating :)

    I suspect too though that some if it is due to the device being close to what it can CPU wise. If you try to do it while moving a wah/expression pedal it gets much worse.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • musicmad I know what you mean but I think the acceleration was added to make scrolling through large menus like the rig browser pool or presets much easier. In those situations it is a major advantage over turning the knob a few hundred times ?

    I suppose the real issue is whether all knobs should perform the same way (consistency of user experience) or whether knobs that might have large data sets (rig browser etc) should behave differently to standard parameters. There are arguments for and against both solutions. For me the best solution is probably to stick with consistency but add a “fine tune”button but it isn’t a clear cut one is better than the other. Either solution could work.

  • Hm I'll have to check but I actually didn't think the stepped knobs had acceleration (type, browse).

    Definitely don't wanted it on the lower 4 knobs at least. Did you check the video?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Hi, musicmad,

    My Profiler knobs behave differently than yours. Much more predictable.

    Kemper Stage

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    Kemper Profiler (Toaster)

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    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
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    Edited 6 times, last by ST (February 21, 2021 at 11:32 PM).

  • Thanks for the video ST (6 edits no less :)) . I'll make a support case and see what happens.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM