I have had my kemper (power rack) for a while now, and am always flip flopping between if it sounds good or not, the last few weeks i've been really honing in, learning all the settings ect.
After alot of playing I have found that there is no escaping this dull muffled sound that is on all of my profiles, I have alot of third party profiles (Britt, Tone Jukies, SinMix). I am questioning if it is just me or not, so I thought I would record some samples of profiles that I use, to see if any of you folks can hear it the same as me, or if this sounds the same as your ones? The sound is less apparent on clean sounds, but it is still there to my ear.
I have factory reset, set all global EQ to flat, I have high and low tone cut (80Hz low - 12K Hz high), Pure cab is set to 5, although messing around with this doesn't make any difference to the muffling. I have played with all the amp settings, definition, clarity ect, to no avail, I can make them sound better, but nothing compared to the sounds on YouTube, using the same guitars and profiles ect. I tried different interfaces and different speakers (KRK Rokit 5 and Kali LP6). I use the main out's in stereo with XLR cables.
Any help would be massively appreciated, because I am at my wits end with this.
Britt - 69 Marshall 50 8
TD - Kir Ham
Britt - J800 1 5 2
Tone Junkie - ACE 30 B2
All played through Gibson Les Paul Studio bridge pickup (although changing guitars does obviously change the tone, the general muffled sound doesn't change), into Focusrite 18i20, into Pro Tools.