Non Powered Profiler. New User...Looking for tips.

  • Right now I'm playing the non powered profiler into an Egnater tube head clean channel, just to jam in my house. I may use it for live performance somewhere down the road. I know I can get so much more out of this. Any advice would be appreciated. I Also plan on writing and recording and would like to ultimately interface this with my PC. I haven't gotten that far yet. Any tips you have would be welcome. Id love to hear how the community has it set up.

  • Hi, ggiunta,

    Welcome, and congratulations on getting your Kemper Profiler.

    Does your Egnator have an effects return? If so, connect the Kemper Monitor output to the Egnator effects return.

    In the Output section (Page 1/1) turn on Monitor Cab Off.

    That should give you better results.

    Here are some essential resources for you.

    ? Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides ?

    ? Rig Manager Download and Documentation ??

    ? Kemper Tutorials & Demos ?

    ? Before you buy Commercial Rigs and Profiles check out the Rig Manager for Rig Packs and Rig Exchange



    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (January 27, 2021 at 9:07 AM).

  • Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper! Sounds like that is already going on, very good :thumbup:8)

    The Kemper opens up a universe of great sounds and also options how to use it. I personally love that versatility and reliable sound quality. Using it for studio work but also for rehearsing and gigging, mostly via FRFR monitors and with a Kemper Kone.

    My audio interface is a rather old AVID/M-Audio C400. Nothing special around it and for convenience reasons I use it via SPDIF. Most people here will claim that SPDIF does not increase the sound quality of your recording. I agree with that as long as the AD/DA in the interface are not super cheap ones. Use it a lot for re-amping as well and even on non-guitar/non-bass signals from my recordings I apply this from time to time for special effects...